Chapter 08

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All three of us went around the town, the two rogues in disguise as teenage boys.  They managed to find a few good movies to watch back at my house.  They bought me lunch, but Kisame sat on the other side of Itachi.  Then we just walked around, talking and making fun of other people. 

When we got back, Kisame started to pop some popcorn.  Itachi popped in one of the DVD’s while I moved the couches so that I could fall asleep on one of them and Itachi and Kisame could still watch the movie. 

Where’s that blanket?”  I thought, not intending to send it out.  Itachi looked up at me. 

“Blanket?”  He asked as I tried to not go eat the popcorn.  I nodded my head.  “Just use my cloak.”  He said as he walked over to one of the couches.  I looked at him in shock.

Are you sure?”  Kisame walked in with the popcorn. 

“Just do it.”  Itachi said as Kisame was about to eat all of the popcorn.  I sent him a glare, and he froze.  I ran into my old room and got one of the pillows and the cloak.  When I walked back into the living room, Itachi and Kisame were each on different couches. 

“Hurry, I want to watch the movie!”  Kisame demanded, his hangover finally gone. 

Huh, Kisame hurt me.  But I don’t know about Itachi…  I thought as I cocked my head. 

Kisame threw a piece of popcorn at me.  The popcorn brought me back to the present and I walked over to the couch that Itachi was on.  I placed the pillow on the arm and scrunched up into a ball under the blanket, leaving room for someone else to sit in the middle.  Itachi started the movie. 

Come to find out, the movie was Jaws.  Every time the shark was about to kill someone, Kisame would jump up and start to dance to the music.  I kept drifting in and out of sleep as the movie went on.  Kisame started to cry when the shark blew up.

“You always cry at that part.”  Itachi stated as Kisame began to pound on the couch, waking me up.  I laughed at his childish antics, but covered my mouth when Kisame looked up at me with bloodshot eyes from crying.  Itachi’s eyes looked me up and down, his cloak making it impossible for him to be able to truly look me up and down. 

Always?”  I questioned.

“No, the first time I saw it I destroyed the TV.”  Kisame said, bouncing back from his crying session.  I sunk down into the cloak, covering half of the couch now.  Kisame jumped up and changed the movies.  It was eleven now, but he was still full of energy. 

“What now?”  Itachi asked.  Kisame only smiled. 

“Another good movie!”  He said as the movie started.  The movie IT started to play.  (You know, the one with the demonic clown.)

Real mature.  Now I'm going to have nightmares of clowns.”  I grumbled out, earning a smirk from Itachi. 

Itachi’s PoV

Real mature.  Now I'm going to have nightmares of clowns.”  Svelpia sent out, causing me to smirk. 

“Don’t worry, it’ll eat Jaws first.”  I said, making Kisame glare at me.  “You know it’s true.  Clowns like sushi.”  I stated calmly, pissing him off efficiently. 

“And how would you know?”  He glared even harder.  I was about to reply, but Svelpia ducked under my cloak suddenly.  I looked at the screen.  Just what I was expecting, blood and gore.  I pulled my cloak under her face to see her eyes clamped shut. 

“You want to stop the movie?”  I asked as she opened one eye and looked up at me. 

No.”  I heard faintly in the back of my head.  Kisame put down the empty bowl that had once held the popcorn.  Svelpia jumped up at the sound and closed her eyes.  I sighed as she hid back under my cloak.

“Come here.”  I grabbed onto the mass. 

I pulled her into my side and wrapped my arm around her.  She leaned into me.  The movie wasn’t that amusing, mainly because I’d seen it a few times.  Every time someone was killed, she would freak out and hide her face in my chest. 

Kisame fell asleep half way through it, and began to snore.  Svelpia began to get heavier, until she just collapsed into my lap.  My hands flew up from my lap.  Her hair covered her face, but I knew that she was asleep. 

“Great, they are both asleep, and the stupid movie is still going.”  I mumbled to myself as I reached for the remote and turned off the DVD player and TV. 

The room was completely dark now.  Kisame was still asleep on the other couch, and was sprawled out while Svelpia was asleep on my lap.  I thought through the situation, trying to figure out what to do.  If I moved her and if she woke up, she would be pissed.  If I didn’t move her, she would stay asleep where she was, and I wouldn’t be able to move.  The clock kept on ticking.  Deciding not to move her, I leaned my head back and began to drift into sleep. 

Svelpia’s PoV

When I woke, up I didn’t feel like moving.  I felt warm, for once.  I tried to think what all had happened last night.  IT was playing, I got scared, Itachi comforted me, and then I fell asleep after Kisame did.  Something moved on my side suddenly, making me freeze up.  I looked down at my side slowly, and saw a hand with dark purple nail polish. 

The hand was warm and felt good.  I just laid there, the hand moving every so often.  Kisame woke up, and fell to the floor.  I closed my eyes and began to fake being asleep.  I could hear him get up and walk towards the kitchen, but froze when he was standing in front of my couch.  He didn’t do anything for the longest time. 

“What?”  I heard Itachi say.  The hand didn’t move from my side. 

“Wow.”  Was all that Kisame said.  They must have been glaring at each other, or something, because they were quiet for a while.  “Fine, I'm going to go start breakfast.”  Kisame said in defeat.  He walked out of the room.  After a few minutes the hand moved off of my side. 

“I know you’re awake.”  Itachi whispered in your ear.  My eyes opened and I sat up in defeat. 

And you didn’t say anything?”  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. 

“Obviously not.”  His voice was calm.  I looked at his face, which didn’t show any emotions, like usual. 

No!  I missed work last night!”  I slapped my forehead.  He smirked at me.

“Oh well.”  Suddenly I could smell something burning.  I stood up slowly and walked into the kitchen.  A fire had started in the sink.

What did you do?”  I yelled as I ran over to the fire.  Zeon transformed into the katana in a split second.  It the same second, I sliced through the fire with her and the fire went out instantly. 

“I can’t make cereal, okay?”  Kisame said from the other side of the kitchen. 

And how did it catch on fire?”  I asked as Zeon transformed back into a tattoo and slithered around my arm. 

“I don’t know…”  He said as he hung his head in defeat.  I sighed and looked at my singed sink.  Zara slithered off of my arm, still as a tattoo.  Where she went, the sink was instantly cleaned. 

There.”  I said as she went back onto my arm. 


So this is roughly edited! 

Sorry about the delay, I’ve been busy with my other stories and such. 

And no, this is not on hold.  There is nothing to hold.  The chapters are written up and only require a few minutes of editing. 

Don’t forget to VOTE and COMMENT! :D

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