Chapter 01

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“Hey Svel, table eight.”  The manager yelled at me the second I walked in. 

I ran through the restaurant slowly and found a pad to take their order.  They were disappointed that I wasn’t in my uniform.  During my shift, I managed to get a small break to change into the god awful outfit.  once the uniform was on, the tips began to flow in generous amounts. 

The other waitresses didn’t have nearly as many tables as me, mainly because they couldn’t feed off of their chakra to speed up.  After a while, people began to slow down coming in.  My shift ended finally and I went to change.  Once I was done dressing, I could suddenly sense that one of the chefs was waiting for me by the exit.  I sighed as I walked out of the exit.  Henry the chef was there.

“Hey sweet thing, need any help?”  He asked as he grabbed onto my elbow. 

When I looking into his eyes he wrapped his arm around me.  He fell to the ground and I walked away.  The walk back to my house was long, and boring.  Same trees, same cracks, same benches, same everything. 

The door wasn’t always the same, sometimes it had pieces of paper on it, but it was always closed when I got to it, except for tonight, tonight it was slightly open.  Zara and Zeon uncoiled from my wrists and wrapped around my arms, ready to strike out. 

???’s PoV

“Where are we going?”  Kisame kept repeating.

“Shut up.”  I would always reply.  *Almost there.*  I thought.  The house was in sight now.  The dark house looked out of place compared to the other white houses.

“Is that where we are going?”  Kisame piped in.

“Yes, now keep quiet.”  I hissed to him as I walked up to the door.  It was locked and had a piece of paper on it, advertising some porno movie.  I crumbled the piece of paper up and stepped aside.  “Go ahead, break the door in.”  I said.  His eyes lit up, but then he shot a glare at me.

“No, you’re going to get me in trouble.”  He said as he crossed his arms.

“This house doesn’t have security; the owner likes their privacy.”  I lied, but it was most likely true.  He smiled and kicked the door, making it pop open.  Kisame walked in first and then I walked in.  The rooms were colorful, too say the least.  The rooms were the exact same way I had last seen them. 

“Nice place.”  He said as he lounged on the couch.  I walked into the main bedroom, it smelt like her.  “Hey, what do we do when the owner gets back?”  Kisame yelled at me from the couch. 

As if on cue, I could sense someone walking down the street.  I walked back towards Kisame and saw that the door was still wide open.  When I tried to close the door, it would refuse.  The person wasn’t the owner of the house, but would have noticed the door being fully open.  The door would stay at the almost closed position.  I walked around and finally found the kitchen.

“Want some food?”  I yelled at Kisame.  His head appeared in the doorway at the word. 

“You know it!”  He said as he ran over to my side.  I opened the fridge and saw a can of tuna.  Someone approached the door, but Kisame didn’t seem to notice.  I handed him the tuna and walked towards the door.  Two pairs of golden eyes gleamed from the door. 

Svelpia’s PoV

Two sources of huge amounts of chakras were coming from the kitchen.  A pair of glowing red eyes made me nearly fall backwards.  Zara and Zeon glared at the pair of eyes.  The eyes approached and stopped a few feet away.  I grabbed onto the snakes at their throats and they instantly transformed into the twin katanas.  I lunged at the eyes, but something blocked my attack.

“Who the hell are you?”  A weird voice asked from in front of the eyes.  I jumped back and clung to the wall opposing the eyes. 

“I could ask you the same thing.”  I got ready to attack again. 

“Kisame, stand down.”  A newer voice ordered.  The voice registered in my mind.  I got off of the wall and looked into the eyes.  “Come on Svel, don’t try that.”  The new voice said, making me pull out of his head. 

“What are you doing back here?”  I asked as I loosened my grip on my katanas, making them transform back to the snakes and then go back to tattoos.  Someone appeared behind me with a kunai pressed to my throat. 

“Can we trust her?”  The first voice asked from behind my head. 

“Let her go, I need to talk to her.”  The second voice said in a demanding tone. 

The person lowered the kunai and stepped away from me.  The eyes darted towards the direction of my bedroom.  They walked towards the bedroom and I was forced to follow by the first voice pressing a kunai into my back.  I turned back on the person pressing the kunai into my back and looked deep into his eyes.  The person crashed to the floor and I shut the door.

‘What happened?’  I darted to my lamp and turned it on.  The windows were shut and covered.  I looked over at my bed; Itachi Uchiha was sprawled across it.

“Got into a fight.”  He said as I routinely searched his body for any blood.  My face must have given away my confusion because he pointed to his eyes.

‘You need to limit your use; I can’t stop the blindness forever.’  I sent as I sat down on the bed next to him. 

“And, I don’t need them forever.”  He said as he moved so that his head was in my lap.  This wasn’t the first time that I had to heal the stress that he received from using them too much.  He closed his eyes and smirked at me. 

‘Yeah, but it’s still annoying.  You only come visit when you’re hurt or tired.’  I complained as I placed my hands on his eyelids, making him flinch.  My hands began to glow a light green as I methodically searched for the scarring. 

“You don’t exactly come visit me.”  He said as he grimaced as I mended his eyes. 

‘Yeah, mainly because you don’t stop.’  I finished up.  Kisame began to wake outside of the room. 

“God, he’s awake again.”  Itachi said as I took my hands away from his face. 

‘Where did you find him?’  I sat up, making him jerk his head forward. 

“Doesn’t matter.”  He avoided the question, earning a glare from me. 

‘Need anything else?’  I stood beside the bed.

“Nope.”  He said as he moved up on the bed where his head was on the pillow.  I placed my hands on my hips.

‘Of course, take my bed, why not.’  Kisame walked back towards the kitchen. 

“Thank you, leave now.”  He said as he reached over and turned the lamp off.  I patted him on the chest roughly, leaving a bruise, before walking out of the room and heading towards the kitchen.  The person had blue skin, and was scarfing down all of my tuna. 

‘Hey, you’re sleeping on the couch.’  I yelled at him, making him look up. 

“Great.”  He said as he smiled.  His teeth were pointed, kind of like a shark’s teeth.  I walked away and into the extra bedroom that smelt like the rest of my house. 


First chapter done!  Wooh!

Anywho, this is still roughly edited.  The next chapter will come out later, probably around the same time as the next chapter for Silver Sand. 

And this series probably won’t have a cover for a while, seeing as this up coming weekend I have a huge essay due for my English class soon after.  Then next week will probably be some other lame excuse.  So, basically this thing will be bare for a while. 

Thanks for reading!

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