Chapter 02

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That night, I didn’t sleep very well.  Nightmares of the shark looking dude biting me kept waking me.  When I did wake up, I could smell something burning.  I raced out of my room and into the kitchen.  A piece of bread was burning in the toaster.

‘What the hell, how can you burn toast that bad?!?’  I yelled out into the air.  Itachi’s head popped into the doorway, and then he ducked back out.  I appeared next to him and pushed him into the room. 

“What?”  He grumbled as he stopped letting me push him. 

Eat it!’  I ordered him as I tried to push him closer to the burnt toast. 

“No, you eat it!”  He said as he grabbed onto my hand and pushed me towards the toast.  Whipping around, I was met with his Sharingan eyes.  I forced the thought of eating the toast into his head.  “Get out of there.”  He said as he pushed me lightly.  I fell onto the cabinet and grabbed onto the toast and held it up to his face.  “No, you can’t make me eat it.”  He said as he pushed away my hand. 

Fine, then your shirt will.’  As I was about to shove down the front of his shirt, he plucked the toast out of my hand and held it out of reach. 

“I’ll get Kisame to eat it.”  He grumbled as he placed the toast of the counter when he noticed I wasn’t moving to steal it. 

Well, I’m going to go get dressed.’  I mumbled as I got off of the counter.  Kisame was dead asleep on the couch.  Quietly, I ran passed the sleeping figure and into my bedroom. 

Kunai were strewn across the room.

I'm going to kill him…  Pulling out a dark dress, I quickly changed. 

While mumbling crude words revolving around Itachi’s death, I grabbed one of the kunai and hid it in the sleeve of my dress.  Kisame was eating the toast.  When my eyes landed on Itachi, a scowl appeared on my face and I threw the kunai at his back.  Right when it was about to hit him, he whipped around and caught it. 

 “What was that for?”  He asked calmly. 

Work on your Genjutsu some more.’  I sent as the kunai disappeared.  

“Good toast.”  Kisame said as he finished off the burnt toast. 

That’s gross.  What did you guys get into yesterday?’ I asked them both.  Kisame seemed to be happy to tell his tale.  Itachi on the other hand, wasn’t. 

“We were looking for this one kid and then this other kid appeared, evidentially Itachi's little bro-” Itachi broke in here.

“We’ll talk about it later.”  He said, but he was too late, and he knew it.

Sasuke is alive?’  I walked over to Kisame. 

“I guess that that is his name.”  He said as he smiled down at me.  When I sent a glare to Itachi, I noticed he was glaring at Kisame in turn. 

Why didn’t you tell me this?’  Was sent to Itachi.  He turned his glare on me.

“You didn’t need to know.”  He said as he walked down the hall and to my room. 

“What’s with him?”  Kisame asked as he watched Itachi.

Let me talk to him.’  He shrugged his shoulders and plopped back onto the couch.  When I arrived I my door, the door handle would rattle but not turn fully.  ‘Let me in my room, right now!’  You sent to him in yell form.  He cracked it open and glared at me. 

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