Chapter 06

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I appeared in front of my house.  None of the lights were on, luckily.  Walking into the house, I was met without a hug.  After sneaking into the living room, I noted no Kisame but the ridiculous sword was ‘livening up the place.’  Walking into my room, I couldn’t sense them in the house, anywhere.  I smiled; they must have gone out for something. 

I fell asleep on my bed, still dressed. 

I was having the best dream.  I was making out with someone.  It was so good that it felt real.  The man’s face was blurred.  Suddenly I could sense someone near me in my room.  I tried to stretch my arms, but something held them down. 

My eyes shot open when I realized that someone was actually pinning me down.  Bloodshot eyes stared into mine.  Beady black eyes were staring back into mine to be more specific.  I tried to scream, but something covered my mouth.  I twisted my face, escaping his mouth.

“No!”  I yelled in my actual voice. 

The sound seemed to excite him even further.  He grabbed my jaw roughly.  His cold skin made me shiver, which made him think that he was getting to me in a good way.  He was about to try and jam his tongue back into my mouth, but he stopped at the last second.  He jumped off of my bed and turned to face the door.

“Wha’ ya’ ‘ant?”  He slurred. 

He slammed the door, nearly breaking it.  I curled up into a ball as he tried to jump back on the bed and pick up where he had last left off.  Zeon and Zara were confused by this point.  I screamed out in fear as he began to make out with my neck. 

“I ‘ove ‘ew!”  He slurred as he bit into my neck.  I gasped as he began to chew. 

“Please, stop!”  I yelled. 

The door flew open and Kisame flew off of me in the same second.  A dark figure had him pinned to the wall.  Kisame’s eyes were huge, but then narrowed in rage.  He tried to fight back against Itachi, but Itachi easily blocked the attacks.  He pushed Kisame into the wall again, making a booming sound.  Kisame’s eyes showed pain.  Itachi’s eyes were also bloodshot, but he seemed to have more control of his body.  He was about to snap his neck.

“No!”  I squealed as I jumped up and grabbed onto Itachi’s arm.  Itachi looked at me, easing his grip on Kisame.  I managed to pull Itachi away from Kisame, who ran out of the room and towards the couch.  Itachi grabbed me into a forceful hug, crushing me like Kisame usually did. 

“You all right?”  He asked, only slightly slurred. 

A few tears escaped as I leaned into him.  His warm skin was comforting compared to Kisame’s cold skin.  He lifted me up and carried me over to my bed, managing to keep his balance.  He fell over on his side, bringing me down with him.  He didn’t ease his grip around me.  He was asleep in a few minutes.  I sighed, Kisame wouldn’t try anything with Itachi this close to me.    

For once in a long time, I felt safe and fell asleep. 

Itachi’s PoV

I had a weird dream, Kisame and I had gone to a bar in the dream and we had gotten drunk.  Kisame managed to make it to the house first.  I had heard Svelpia cry out in fear.  I ran to her rescue, and almost killed Kisame.  Then, I fell asleep. 

Opening my eyes, I immediately saw a bland wall, like usual.  The side of my head felt like it was creating its own island and was trying to separate from the rest of my head.  Light was barely streaming in from the windows.

Strange, Svelpia’s room didn’t face the east. 

Oh god, do I have my clothes on?  I looked down, but before I got to my chest, I saw black hair.  Of course.  Great, now what am I going to say to Svel?  I grunted, making the head move. 

My arms were wrapped around the girl, strange.  The girl mumbled something in her sleep, and turned around in my arms, hair still covering her face.  I moved the hair out of her face, ready to kill if she was awake.  My jaw fell open when I saw that Svel was in my arms.  I still had all of my clothes on.  I were about to unwrap my arms from around her, but she grabbed onto one of my arms and covered her bare arms with it.  She sighed, thinking that I was a blanket. 

Great, she thinks I'm a pillow.  I looked around the room.  A tiny dent was in the wall where I had pinned Kisame most likely. 

“Svel, wake up.”  I whispered into her ear as I leaned down to her head.  She shivered and leaned into me more. 

“Five more minutes.”  Her voice was perfect.  I could only stare at her as she tried to cover her bare legs with my cloak.  I laughed silently when she finally gave up. 

Svelpia’s PoV

“Svel, wake up.”  Someone whispered in my ear.  The wind from the voice chilled me slightly and I leaned more into the warmth.

“Five more minutes.”  I grumbled. 

My legs suddenly felt cold.  I grabbed what I thought to be the blanket and tried to cover my legs with them, but after a few failed attempts I gave up.  More air hit me from where the voice was from.  I turned around suddenly and hugged the warmth.  I didn’t care, I was cold. 

“Yeah, you really need to get up.”  Someone whispered again in my ear.  I drove my face deep into the warmth.  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”  The voice said again, but slightly louder.  My eyes shot open as the warmth disappeared from my side. 

“No, give me back my blanket!”  I whimpered softly as I looked around for a blanket.  Itachi was standing by the side of my bed. 

“No.”  He said firmly.  I jumped upright and covered myself with a pillow.

What are you doing in here?”  I looked around the room.  Itachi and I were both fully dressed, but my dress had a lot of gashes all along it.  Itachi rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.  I watched and saw that his eyes didn’t look that great.  “What’s wrong with you?”  He looked at me closely. 

“Stuff.”  He said as I ventured into his mind.  I could see him at a bar with Kisame.

Hangover?”  He only nodded his head.  I patted the space in front of me.  He sat down in front of me.  He laid his head down in my lap slowly and looked up at me.  I smirked down at him.  “Was it worth it?”  I placed my hands on his temples. 

“Not really, thought that you were a prostitute.”  This made me blush.

Why?”  I began to get rid of the alcohol in his mind. 

“Well, the way you were.”  He said as his eyes began to turn back to their normal look.  I cocked your head slightly.  “You don’t remember?”  He asked as I got rid of a major headache of his. 

About Kisame?  I remember that…”  I trailed off.  Kisame tasted like fish and was ice cold to the touch.  Itachi smirked up at me as I got rid of the last bit of his migraine.  “What, are you going to claim this as your room also?”  I began my search for the blanket again.  There wasn’t a single blanket in the room at the moment.  He smirked at me. 

“Sounds like a good plan.”  He said as he leaned back, squishing my thighs. 

“No!”  I said, making his eyes fly up to my face. 

“Wow, you’ve been talking a lot.”  He said as he looked back at the ceiling.  I rolled my eyes and poked his cheek, making him glare at me. 


A new chapter! 

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