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And then I woke up.

Eyre's lilac stained eyes snap open. Life seems to fill up within her aching body. The ceiling above Eyre is painted a cloud white, and the sound of a heart monitor beeps beside her. The ravenette's head stiffly turns to the left, where a dim sunlight hits her face. She slowly sucks a breath in through her nose, a silent sigh escaping her lips.

    What... happened...?


"Mr and Mrs. Vesper. With all due respect, this is the last time I will tell you. I cannot predict when your daughter will wake up. She slipped and somehow ended up in a coma. Although I have never heard of this, when a patient is in a coma, it is nearly impossible to figure out when they will wake depending on the circumstances." A woman says impatiently.

"But you're a doctor! Surely there's something you can do!" Eyre's mother's voice pounds a headache into Eyre's skull. She winces in pain, a sound loud enough to capture the attention of three witnesses.

"Eyre!" Mrs. Vesper is first to react as she bustles over to her daughter, encasing Eyre tightly.

"Please release me. My limbs won't move to shove you away." Eyre's words are quick and venomous, as if an agitated snake has finally been released.

"Miss. Vesper. Glad to see you are awake. How was your one month coma?" The doctor smiles and Mrs. Vesper glares at the woman.

    Month? But I was there for a... year... So it was a... dream...

Eyre shrugs numbly, "I don't know. I can't seem to recall anything besides walking out of my bathroom. I think... I- I got married to... someone named..." His very name dances on the tip of her tongue, never taking a far enough leap in his routine to escape Eyre's thoughts.

"Ah, yes. The marriage was cancelled. Since you were in a coma, we soon found out that the family that we were going to marry you off to was secretly broke, and they only wanted our money." Mr. Vesper informs behind the Mrs.

"N-no... I married this person because I loved him... I was with him for a year... And-and he had some friends..." Eyre's body stiffens as if she's been incased in a block of ice. Her eyes shoot to her left handed ring finger, only to notice the absence of metal.

"Mother! My ring!!" The monitors blare with an accelerated heart rate and elevated blood pressure.

"R-ring..? Eyre, use your head! You aren't getting married!" Mrs. Vesper snaps back with equal venom when Eyre woke up. Our heroine's eyes dilate in fear, not over her lost ring, but by the fact that being yelled at for something so small feels so new to her.

"I-I'm sorry." The doctor looks at Eyre sympathetically before leaving the room.

Mrs. Vesper carefully seats herself on Eyre's bed. Eyre shifts uncomfortable, but her mouth stays sealed with fear.

A pale thumb strokes Eyre's cheek before a soft pat is left. "I'm glad you're uninjured dear. Your pretty face would have gone to waste if your slip scarred it..." Mrs. Vesper mutters through pursed lips. She merely receives a wrinkled nose in response. 

"You're wrong." Eyre protests. "I was stabbed."


"Honey, perhaps it's best for us to leave? Eyre must have much on her mind..." Mr. Vesper breaks through his wife's inspection. Eyre sends her father a look of thanks.

Or an Illusion || Akatsuki no Yona/ Yona of the DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon