~ Chapter 4 ~

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Eyre and Harper are fans unlike any other. Quartet Night quickly grew attached to the two, as did Starish.

Reiji in particular grew an attachment to the two females. Though his feelings for Eyre seemed questionable, it's more than obvious that he has a family bond with Harper.

When the world tour was all sang and done; the first thing Reiji decided to do was fly over to San Francisco and meet up with Harper. It was surprising to Eyre to see the brunette in front of her door.

Eyre's world slowly colored. Harper- although Eyre's childhood friend- could only paint so much thus far. Reiji's bright personality bled bright ink and soft touches of pastel into her life. Though she may not be used to the little amount of support she's received thus far, it's enough to keep her standing on an easel.

By the time the seasons have rotated a full cycle, Harper felt more comfortable with leaving Eyre behind as she left for trips. More often than not, Reiji would stay by to make sure Eyre kept herself from reverting back to her terrible habits.

This day in particular is special to our dear heroine.

"Eyre-tan it's your birthday!" Reiji shouts as he bursts through the front door.

Eyre flips her omelette onto her plate. She places a hand on her hip soon after, spatula in hand.


"Your birthday! It's today!" Reiji pulls out a box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, and a small box of something from behind his back. Eyre takes the items questionably, but says nothing about the gifts.

She does, however, says something about the current situation, "Reiji. Today isn't my birthday."

Silence over comes the two. Eyre brushes his spontaneous burst and grabs a fork from the drawer.

"...Eh..?" Reiji absentmindedly wonders aloud.

"Harper most likely told you that today is my birthday. Today is the day I woke up from my coma. She says it's my birthday, considering I cut ties, and that I might as well have been 'reborn'." Eyre quotes with a roll of her eyes. "I appreciate the thought though." Quickly finishing her breakfast, Eyre places her plate into the dishwasher.

"When's your birthday then?" He asks.

Eyre pauses, her own birthday fleeting from her memory. "March 13th."

"EH?! That was 3 months ago!" He begins to comically cry; Eyre shrugs.

"No big deal. I guess it technically is my birthday." Reiji seats himself on one of the counter seats.

"Then let's go out!" He smiles.

It's only early June, meaning that it's not particularly hot yet. Eyre currently lives on the bay side of San Francisco. Quickly dressing herself into something more suited for the weather. Eyre grabs her brown sling bag and the two are out of the apartment.

The two walk around the city for a couple minutes, Reiji pointing out buildings and reciting their history from Wikipedia. Eyre appreciates the effort he puts into knowing her, be it the amount of murders in the building next door to what flower sells best at the florist's down the street.

"Your English has gotten better." Eyre points out. Reiji flushes with bashful pride.

"Why don't we take a walk around Golden Gate Park? I've been studying too much."

Golden Gate Park is relatively large. It's over 1,000 acres and has botanical gardens as well as museums.

That isn't it though.

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