~ Chapter 2 ~

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3 months later

Three months. That's how long it's been since Eyre has visited anywhere besides the library, the shooting range, or her college. Other than that she's always shut inside her room, hardly eating and hardly sleeping.

Only studying.

Her unhealthy pale fingers flips through another heavy book and her eyebrows crease in confusion. Sticking in a piece of paper and mentally noting to ask her professor about the passage, our heroine's doorbell suddenly rings. Her eyes, deep with eye bags, trail to her room's door. With a slight amount of trouble, she gets up from her swivel chair and slowly walks out of her room, down the hall, past the connected kitchen and living room, and to the front door, each step painful.

Now, before we find out the obvious person behind our beloved heroine's door, there's something Eyre should confess. The two best friends haven't seen each other ever since the time Harper dragged Eyre out of her apartment for a bite at the restaurant. Sure, Harper would come over a couple times a week and knock on her door then leave a second later, but that's only because it takes Eyre a whole five minutes before she can actually arrive to the door and open it. By then, Harper thinks she's gotten the hint to leave.

For once, Eyre had gotten to the door a mere second before Harper would leave. Three minutes later to be exact.

"Eyre!" Her ginger friend smiles cheekily, hiding her own depression. Eyre nods her head in greeting and gestures Harper in.

"How've you been?" She asks and Eyre shrugs, struggling to her kitchen. After an agonizing 10 minutes, Eyre had successfully brewed tea. Harper immediately takes ahold of the tray after seeing Eyre's arms shake in just holding the kettle of hot water.

She mentally frowns, noting how three months ago Eyre could hold a raw slab of meat without shaking or showing any signs of dying from the weight. Now, the poor girl can't even hold a glass of water without any help.

It kills Harper to see how broken her friend has become. Before, even at her parent's mansion, at least Eyre would give Harper a small smile in greeting. Now, Harper has to look at an underweight, sleep deprived, mentally insane woman.

"You haven't answered the door for three months..." Harper mutters and Eyre looks to the girl.

"That was you?" She asks, although rather stoic about it.

"Mhm.. You never answer the door though." The atmosphere has a nerve wracking awkwardness in it that makes Harper shift in her seat, but Eyre doesn't seem to notice or give a damn. In fact Eyre only takes a small sip of her tea, setting the cup down rather harshly with the contents spilling over just a tad bit, then sighs.

"I do. You just aren't there." She clarifies and Harper flinches.

"I wait for exactly three minutes at the door. I always though you never wanted me there by then.." She whispers, and Eyre finally takes notice of Harper's strange behavior.

"Is there anything wrong?" The raven haired girl questions and Harper immediately shakes her head. Eyre may not have talked to a  human for the past three months, but it doesn't take an idiot to see the dried tear stains on Harper's cheeks. Not to mention her puffy red eyes and how she's not nearly as pale as Eyre, but still sickly.

Finally, Harper speaks up again.

"Do you wanna go to a concert with me?" She asks and Eyre immediately shakes her head.

"Can't. Studying." Harper nods her head, defeated. Eyre raises a questioning eyebrow.

"Is that it?" She asks and Harper looks up.

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