~ Chapter 3 ~

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Starish and Quartet Night are doing a world tour. The first place on their list is New York. Unfortunately, both Harper and Eyre live in San Fransisco. Plus, they were lazing about in the last chapter and the concert is the very next day.

Yep, we have some dumb ass heroines.

Luckily, Harper's rich and her parents bought her a jet for her 17th birthday, complete with a personal pilot. So it takes a mere 4 hours by jet. 3 hours when coming back home since the wind isn't pushing against the jet.

The concert doesn't start until five in the evening and Harper pushed Eyre into staying at New York for a couple days. Half the reason why Eyre agreed is because her professors are just as worried for Eyre's health. It's isn't hard to pick Eyre from a crowd, especially now. The other half is because now that Harper lives just next door, the nagging is 5x more than usual.

Anyway, they left at 7 in the morning, packing a suitcase the night previously, and arrived to New York at around 10:30. From there, Harper shoved Eyre into a taxi, smiling ever so brightly, to go sight seeing.

"Where should we go first?" Harper asks as Eyre gazes out the window. A dozen pamphlets are jumbled around Harper as she takes a glance at each one, Eyre checking for some shops or restaurants. For once in three month, Eyre is hungry. Harper catches Eyre's gaze on a random restaurant and softly smiles.

"Hey, there's a popular pizza place around here. It's on the pamphlet. Let's check it out." Harper suggests and Eyre smiles, nodding her head. For once, Eyre can forget about her studies, just this once.

"Yeah, sure."

At the moment, they're in Brooklyn. The concert takes place at Times Square in Manhattan. Harper's parents also booked a five star hotel for Eyre and Harper. For now, they have plenty of time to sight see.

"After dish pisha, lesh go-"

"Harper, chew, swallow, then talk." Eyre lectures, then bites into a slice of cheese pizza without any oil (since Eyre soaked it all up with a napkin. And yes, she's one of those people.) Harper chews the piece thoughtfully and smiles.

That's when a waitress sets down two glasses of wine onto the table, nods her head to four people, one whom is smiling cheekily and the other smirking while the last two simply look bored and uninterested. Eyre sighs and Harper does her usual wink.

"Seriously? This happened two days ago at that diner..." Eyre trails off, remembering her sudden hate for restaurants. Harper smiles and waves her hand at her negative friend, brushing it off.

"C'mon! All four of them are pretty cute! They remind me of some people though... And nobody hit on us yesterday! New record, right?" Harper question, looking to the bright side of things. Eyre blows a raspberry, then asks the waitress to give her drink back to the four.

"It's too early for a drink anyways..." Eyre mumbles, then takes another bite of her pizza. Harper pouts, then takes a small drink of her wine.

"You can't drink at your age either." Eyre points out and Harper playfully sticks her tongue out at Eyre, then takes another sip. (Please don't underage drink. Set a better example than these two idots, please and thank you.)

"First drink at a pizza parlor in New York, given by some actual lookers. Not bad." Harper muses and Eyre rolls her eyes. A couple minutes later, Harper had downed the whole glass and ate two slices of pizza. Eyre merely ate one slice and then pulled out a text book she had miraculously stored in her bag, waiting for Harper to finish.

"Ready?" Eyre asks as soon as Harper had come back from going up to counter to pay the tab. The four men had already paid for their tab, the waitress just forgot to inform the two. One of the guys ended up flirting with Harper for a few minutes.

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