~ Chapter 5 ~

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Yun is the first to snap from his shock, after noticing Eyre shift uncomfortably. "Sorry, we're foreign. And actually, we're looking for our friend and she looks exactly like you. Has the same name too." Yun says hastily and Eyre cautiously nods her head.

"If you're foreign, that means you're renting out a hotel, correct?" Eyre questions the group of people.

    Most hotels have a dress code though... And two of them are carrying gigantic swords... I don't know where they're cosplaying, or if they're just terrorists...

"H-Hotel?" Yona wonders. "Do you mean an inn?"

Eyre nods her head. Though no one calls it an inn anymore..

"Mmm... Nope!" She smiles, as if not having an room to stay at is fine. Eyre's eyes widen in shock.

"L-let me help!" Eyre proclaims, hand above her chest. Her eyes cloud with confusion, a seemingly endless battle waging inside her.

Eyre understands the countless dangers, but something is screaming, tearing, pleading to let these strangers into her life.

When Eyre blinks once, twice, three times, her eyes have cleared and she wears her usual smile. "Why don't you guys stay at my apartment for a while?"

Everyone looks at Eyre, both filled with immense happiness and confusion. It doesn't matter though. Making Eyre remember them would be easier if they were close to her anyways.

"W-we'll take you up on that offer!" Yona smiles, and forces back the tears.

Eyre's shoulders visibly relax. The whole atmosphere had changed, unlike the weird and tense feeling in the air before.

"E-Eyre-tan!" Reiji huffs behind the said female, and he practically collapses. Eyre laughs awkwardly.

"S-sorry..." Reiji seems on guard with the strangers behind Eyre. Said female recognizes his distress before gesturing to them.

"Oh! These guys are..." She trails off.

"I'm Yona." The red haired girl smiles.

"Yun, a genius bishounen." The strawberry blonde kid says rather cockily, and everyone lets out a dry laugh.

"Jea-ha, at your service."



"Zeno's name is Zeno, miss!"

Kija takes a moment to answer, the shock coursing through him still strong. Eyre glances at him with patience, but Reiji can sense the strange longing. He can't understand, but he knows that there's something off with this little group. Despite their strange hair and clothing. Not to mention their weapons.

"Kija.. My name is Kija..." He smiles softly

As soon as Eyre's eyes droop and she tips forward, Reiji and Kija step forward to catch the girl. Reiji, faster than Kija, catches her first before picking her up bridal style.

"I've got her." He says before gesturing them to follow him. Reluctantly, they do.

"Hey.. Um.." Yun starts off, still not knowing the brunette's name.

"Kotobuki Reji! Yoroshiku-ma-cha-chan!" He smiles like the five year old he is and everyone behind him sweat drops.

"Right.. Reiji, what are you to Eyre?" Yun asks. "You two seem awfully close. A childhood friend?"

Reiji grins. "Nope! She's my girlfriend!" Everyone stops and silence eerily hangs above them all.

"Y-your girlfriend..?" Yona questions and he nods.

Or an Illusion || Akatsuki no Yona/ Yona of the DawnWhere stories live. Discover now