Chapter 2

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While Mia was curling her hair and Kayla was touching up her makeup, I was trying to choose an outfit for tonights party. It was pretty hard since all my clothes were stuffed in my suitcase.

By the time I had finished choosing an outfit majority of my clothes ended up in a pile on my bed, as it took me a while to pair something nice together. I wore my light denim shorts with a lace crop top and matched it with a brown belt.

"Perfect for the beach!" Mia said to me in her cheery tone.

"You look beautiful." I replied, she was wearing a white dress which fit her perfectly i watched as she placed a white and pink flower crown on top of her curly hair.

We took a few pictures before leaving. We didn't wait for Kayla since she weren't ready and still wasn't talking to either of us.

Once we walked outside Mia had noticed two boys walking towards us. I'm guessing she knew them both since she waved at them calling them to come over.

"Hey, Mason and Riley this is Bella, my new roommate." She introduced me, I just smiled. Mason was tall and slim, his skin was tanned and his hair was a dark brown colour which matched his eyes. Riley was around average height, his dirty blonde hair fell messily, making his bright blue eyes clearer to see.

I stood quite while Mia was talking to them, i was never really good with meeting new people.

Mia walked in front of me with Riley, leaving me with Mason. It was silent and awkward. Should I say something? What could I say?

"So is it your first year here?" Mason asked. Thank goodness he said something first. "Yeah, is it yours?" I replied my voice soft

"It's my second year here, how do you like it so far?"

From there we talked naturally, he was alright and he wasn't bad looking if I say so myself.

"So is Riley your roommate?" I asked as my feet sunk into the hot sand.

"Yeah him and Austin."

"Austin James?" I said maybe a little too quickly.

"Don't tell me you're into him too." He said with a goofy smile.

I shook my head, I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I immediately looked down, not knowing what to say.

* * *

Great! I've lost Mia and I can't find her anywhere! I tried looking for Nathan instead since he was the only other person i really knew here. As I was walking someone pushed into me spilling all their drink over my leg.

"Thanks! Now I've got to go back and get myself another drink!" The arrogant boy said, it was his fault, he bumped into me?

"Maybe you should watch where you're going." I replied my voice tense with annoyance.

I looked up at his surprised face when i answered him back and i noticed it was him. Austin. It was Austin James. I walked past him and instantly regretted what I said but Mia was right, he was a jerk.

* * *

"Nathan!" I shouted over to him, he was with all his mates, so I didn't want to go over there.

"Hey Bella, make it quick were about to go in the sea."

"The sea? It's like nearly midnight." I asked laughing at his silly ideas.

"We do it every year." He answered before one of his mates called him to come back.

"Gotta go." He said jogging back to them before i could even say another word. Well thanks for the help.

I didn't know what to do, I barely knew anyone. I saw Kayla but I still haven't got to introduce myself to her yet, although she hasn't really given me chance too.

I decided to leave and go back to the dorm before I heard Mia call my name. I'm so glad i found her because I didn't want to leave to early.

"Where are you going?" she asked giggling, clearly she had been drinking, I hadn't had any alcohol yet.

"Nowhere, got any more of that?" I asked pointing to her red plastic cup.

She walked me over to the drinks table and poured me something. I had no idea what she put in there, I just drank it anyway. It tasted disgusting however I still had 2 more cups of it. I guess I'm just trying to fit in.

I was dancing with Mia and this other girl whose name I could not remember. Then the music stopped and everyone started walking out.

"What's going on?" I asked whilst being pushed by people who were walking out, I was quite small which didn't help in a situation like this.

"Hey Bella are you okay?" I heard someone say, I looked over and saw a blurry figure. I felt him catch me just as I was about to fall.

"Where are you taking me?" I said laughing, it was obvious I was a little tipsy.

"A shortcut, a few of us always go this way, so we don't get in trouble with the school. Pretty smart don't you think?"

I nodded in agreement. Dazed in my own thoughts.

"Mason you found Bella, I thought I lost her." I heard Mia say. So it was Mason who had caught me, I had no idea.

We made our way back to the dorm rooms without any teachers catching us, that short cut was the best idea ever.

When I got back into the room Mia, Kayla and I all fell onto our beds and went to sleep.

* * *

"I hardly remember last night." I said to Mia, my head was pounding inside.

"At least we have a day to recover from our headaches before school starts." Mia answered rubbing her own head.

I hadn't even thought about school or looked at my timetable, I was too caught up in getting into my new room and going to the party.

I pulled out my timetable from my backpack and looked at my lessons for tomorrow. Double science on a Monday afternoon, I can't think of anything worse.

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