Chapter 12

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"We have been walking for hours!" I whined. Austin and I were still lost somewhere in the middle of the woods, with no signal and no idea how to get back.

"It's not even been 40 minutes yet." He rolled his eyes. Those past 40 minutes consisted on Austin trying to find our way out of here and me complaining about how I wanted to get out. We were both getting bored and frustrated.

We walked down a narrow path in the woods. Tree branches were sticking out from all directions, I'm surprised one hadn't poked me in the eye yet.

Austin was in front of me and I noticed him push up one of the branches. Right as I was about to walk underneath the branch, Austin let it go causing the branch to bounce back scratching the top of my forehead.

"What have you got against my forehead today?" I winced, remembering when he hit his chin off my forehead a few hours ago.

Austin turned around and noticed the branch against my forehead, "Sorry, I forgot I had to protect you from flying branches." He smirked, pulling the branch away from me.

"Well, now you know." I laughed as I pushed him to carry on walking, my forehead was stinging a little but I ignored it.

I still hadn't brought up who was on the phone to Austin earlier, I didn't want to change the fact that he seemed a lot happier now.

Even though we were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

I pulled out my phone to check if I had any messages, that's when I remembered.

I have no signal.

I groaned looking at the time on my phone "Austin it's almost 8, we need to get back soon."

"It's not like we've been trying to get back for the past hour." His is voice dripping with sarcasm. I had no idea if we were even going in the right direction.

We carried on walking down the same narrow path, I was following Austin who was a few steps in front. Carefully, I was avoiding any branches stinking out, "Bella, come look." Austin shouted over his shoulder.

I cautiously stepped over the stones on the floor and made my way over to him, only to see the view of a small river running along the centre. There was less trees around this area, opening up the view of the sky which looked a beautiful pink shade.

I turned to face Austin, his eyes were focused on mine until they followed up to my forehead. "Bella, you got beat up by a branch." He said, pointing at my head which was still stinging.

I pulled out my phone to look in the reflection, I had a scratch from where the branch must have hit. I sighed, sitting down on the grass near the river, Austin sat down next to me.

"It looks amazing here!" I said, breaking the silence. I waited for his reply but he never gave me one. I looked over at Austin who was surprisingly already staring straight at me, his smile stretched wider as I returned one.

We sat there looking at each other for a while, without saying a word. It was the perfect moment to kiss him.

I stopped myself from leaning closer when I thought about today's events. Who was Austin on the phone to?

I cleared my throat and pulled back. "Austin who was you on the phone to?"

Austin stiffened up and his smile soon faded, I looked down at my hands regretting what I said.

That could have went so differently if I hadn't have brought that up.

"My dad."

That was Austin's only words. His dad. Austin had never brought up his family to me.

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