Chapter 3: The night shift?

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Your pov:

You walked in the office, it was a lot different than you expected. The walls were painted with a bright pink that hurt your eyes with a lot of logo signs covering most of the paint. You looked at the manager she looked...let's just say her smile looked like it was wider than her head.(lol.) You walked up to her and sat in a chair. "What can I do for you" she said "hmmmm... I'm (first name) (last name). And my mom said she got me a job here." You said, with a bit of more attitude than you expected. "Oh hi (your name) I'm emerald." 'Emerald, hmmm... nice name' you thought. Then you wondered "umm... Emerald what will be my job here?" You said with you voice filled with excitement. "Lets see" said Emerald looking through some paper work "oh, here it is" she said "looks like you miss (your name) will be working on the nightshift,oh and with co-worker to. So you won't be alone" she said but as soon as she mentioned you were gonna do the night shift here expression changed to a worried one, and here voice went more bitter. That made you nervous, but what bad things could happen to you plus you were also working with some one which made it even more safe. "A night shift!" You said. You were still in school so that ment more work and less sleep, but money was money. "Ok, when do I start" you said. "Tomorrow, and be here at 11:00 by then." Her voice went back to a cheerful tone.          ' wonder  why she was like that' you thought "bye" you said and put on the best fake smile you could.

A/N ok right now I feel like writing like no tomorrow,so I might type a couple extra chapters tonight.

EDIT: ok for some reason most of the time when I type her auto correct keeps putting it to different words so please just deal with it. Whoa 334 words that's a lot for me bye.

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