Chapter 15: Noah?!?

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your pov:

"Stay away from them. They'll hurt you" Nick said. "Dont worry ill be ok" "no you wont. I don't want you to d-d-die." He started to cry. You went up to him and hugged him "don't worry ill be careful."  He hugged back "ok (y/ n)." You woke up from an alarm. Uhgg. Work. You got dressed and left. You kind arrived 30 minutes early. You walked around to see Noah. 'What is he doing here' Noah turned away and saw you, a smirk appeared on his face. "What are you doing here (y/ n)?" " I work here,now may I ask why you are here?" "Its my little brothers birthday party" "cool" you left and kinda just wondered around. After about 20 minutes of walking around people started to clear out. One thing weirded you out when noahs family left he wasn't with them. 'Oh well you' thought. Everyone was gone and Mark walked in "hi (y/ n)" "hi". We walked to the office and I heard the sound of stuff crashing around. "Ill be back Mark" "ok". You walked to where the noise was coming from in the back stage room. You suddenly you got pushed to the wall. You almost screamed but then a knife was raised to your neck. "If you talk ill kill you." You knew that voice Noah...  "let me go" "no.not so fast" before you knew it his lips smashed into yours. Your eyes widened and you didn't know what to do. He pulled away and started to suck on your neck. So.many thoughts were going through your mind until... Goldie  appeared in the room. Noah stopped and looked behind him. "Your gonna pay for this" Goldie said he grabbed Noah by the collar of his shirt. "No Goldie,  let him go" "okay" Goldie teleported away and came back. "Are you okay (y/ n)?" "Ya I'm.fine" and you covered up the 'bite' Noah gave you with the collar of your shirt. The truth was you weren't fine. One you almost just got raped. Two you just wasted your first kiss on noah. Out of all the people in the world. Noah. You walked to the stage room and started to cry. Goldie told everyone to leave you alone. But foxy ignored him and sat next to you."lass are ye ok?" You hugged him. You didn't know why but right now you just needed someone to cry to. "Follow me" foxy said. You were kinda scared but you still went with him. You guys ended up being in pirate cove. "Sorry" foxy said. "Sorry? For  what?" "For everything that happened." "Its ok foxy it not your fault. Really."  You hugged him, he jumped a little at first but hugged back. You where blushing like crazy, you were pretty sure he couldn't see you. But he looked at you and his eyes were glowing, so he saw your face. When he saw your face his ears perked up and .if he was in human form he would be blushing like mad. He picked you up and sat you on his lap. By know you were blushing so much that your cheeks were hurting. You almost fell asleep until you felt what you were sitting on soften. Your eyes flickered open you started to move around. Then you heard someone behind you chuckle. You looked behind you and literally jumped back. It was a redheaded male with a hook for one of his hands and he was dressed in a pirate costume. Then you realized who it was."F-F-Foxy?"  "Yes lass" "your human" "ye be right" "c-cool" you sat back down on his lap, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/n sorry this was short  but two chapters in one day woah!

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