Chapter 11: the truth is out

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your pov:

I woke up.Where was i? I tried to get up but it hurt to much, so I laid back down and and turned my head. Foxy was there but he was looking out of the curtains. So I took my chance I took my jacket off the floor, and stood up even though how much it hurt. Just then I noticed I was bandaged up even under my shirt. 'Chica better of done that part' i thought to myself. I put my jacket on and sneaked up behind foxy, he looked my way so I took my chance to punch him. I got him in the jaw as I saw him fall down he seemed more heartbroken and sad then mad or distressed. I quickly ran out I saw Mike walking home so I decided to say hi to him. I ran. And ran. And ran. It was a shot distance but it seemed like forever, probably because I hurt so much. I finally caught up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Every moment hurt. He quickly jerked around and saw me, his faced lightened up "(y/ n)! I thought you died!" He said tears were forming in his eyes "no I'm ok". "Hey (y/n) can I walk you home?" "Ok". So we walked home. I got sad when we reached my house we said our goodbyes, and walked in the house. My father was home.' Great, just great' I thought. He got up and said " where have you been young lady?" "Work" "oh I see trying to get enough money to move out" he said. "Well your gonna pay for that" he punched me in the face I tried to make as much little noise as possible, but it was kinda hard because I just almost died last night "w-where's mom?" I said "oh don't worry she's not here right now" he kept punching me in the stomach. And I finally cracked i started to scream but I earned more pain for that. I didn't care. The we heard someone pounding on the door. My dad walked away from me and opened the door to my surprise Mike was at the door. Then I felt something warm run down my face, I didn't even bother I knew it was blood, up was also bleading through my clothes. Mike yelled at my dad "why was there screaming coming from here?!" "Ummmm." Mike glare softened until he looked over my dad's shoulder and saw me.blood everywhere. He pushed through my dad and came over to me and said "explain this" . My dad says "she came home like this". "No she didn't I walked with her" then my dad came up to Mike and knocked him out. He then picked him up and threw him out side next to a gas station. He came back and went into the kitchen and came back out with a knife. "Please dad no" you whimpered, but that didn't stop him. He came up to you and stabbed you in the stomach you screamed and everything was pain. Your eyelids felt heavy and you closed your eyes...

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