chapter 19: hell (lol ^)

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A/N: bold is yelling or when someone is going crazy. Italics is thought.this is talking or just narration. Btw sorry it's so short.

Foxy's P.O.V:

I stand there dumbfounded. How can she not remember us? What happened to her? "What? What! What?!?! WHAT?!?" I start to say. I don't even know what I'm feeling. But it looks like Chica is in worst condition, her eyes are wide and she's crying."Chica can ye stay here while I go get the others?" I say calmly, not trying to panic.(panic at the I'll stop.) "um sure" she says. I run to the kitchen to see Bonnie and Freddy both still on the floor,passed out. I think for a second which one is more responsible and will handle this without panicking? without hesitation my eyes directly go to Freddy. Before I know it I'm on my knees, shaking Freddy. Come on wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP! After about five minutes of yelling and shaking Freddy, he finally woke up."ngh. What?!?" "Come on Freddy get up" "no five more minutes" he says drowsy. "No Freddy this be an emergency!!!!" "I said five more minutes" he yells. Eventually he falls back to sleep. Ugh now I probably have to wake up bonnie. I look over to him. I'm already regretting this. I go over to him and go down on to my knees,I start to try to shake him awake. Come on Bonnie if you don't wake up I'll have to go get Goldie. And we all know what will happen if he finds out. Its been twenty minutes and I'm desperately yelling and shaking him. "Bonnie come on wake up!!! Please I'm begging ye"i yell as tears run down my face onto the ground. I shake him even harder then before. "COME ON WAKE UP!!!" "ugh" I hear Bonnie say. maybe I won't have to go to Goldie after all! "Bonnie wake up." "Why?" He whines. "Because it be an emergency!" As I say that he sits up saying. "What's wrong" very angrily. "I can't really say it. Just follow me" "fine." He says as I help him get up. The weird part was as soon as I held his hand to help him get up he pulled away, and looked away and said. "I can handle myself!" "Um ok?" We walk out of the kitchen, and to my surprise(note the sarcasm.) Everything went to hell from there...

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