A Monster Filled Town

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My Dream:

I ran as fast as I could whilst pulling one of my friends behind me. I never thought monsters were real but that day the school had been attacked by many types of monsters. Lycans, imps, ogres, were wolfs, zombies, and all these creepy monsters you hear in books, I think slender man might have been one of them too! All around us, classmates and friends were hunted down, and that just made me jump to super speed.

I and one of my friends went in different ways when we reached our streets. We said our goodbyes and ran home.

Luckily, I returned home safely. I locked the house door and literaly fell onto my bed in pain. I felt really sad and sorry for the people whom died. I'm glad that I don't have best friends so I wouldn't be burdened with my losses. Oh well, that just another good thing about being democratic.

"Get dressed were going to go out for dinner tonight," shouted my mom from the hallway. I jumped out of my bed and ran to her. "But mom, the school got attacked by monsters, we can't go out today," I said as I jumped in front of her to block her from concentrating on her makeup.

"Your dad already planned the dinner, and your grandparents are coming, go get dressed," she stated in an annoyed tone. "But mom, there are monsters outside," I repeated losing hope of staying in the house. "Stop telling stories and go get dressed, I will not repeat what I said," she ordered as she walked away.

We went to a café and sat there for a while. My family was as usual talking about politics and the president, but I couldn't care less. I spotted one of my teachers, and went up to him and asked him if he could protect us from the monsters and he agreed. He's seen what's out there, I don't know why he is out at this time but he has enough muscles to carry a car so I might as well use him from protection.

After a few minutes of reading my book, my family finally decided to eat KFC and so we headed out the door of the little safe café.

My dad chose a table outside the restaurant near the trees. Yeah, the best place to be in at night, were all monsters can hunt us at once. No use asking my dad if we could sit inside. He doesn't believe in monsters and think that God is always with us so nothing bad will happen. Well No! I don't think God is always with us, he has many other people around the world to take care of, and no, his little angels won't help either!

I wonder why my dad believes in God, a great big thing, and he doesn't believe in simple monsters, which is very possibly real. If God is real, monsters are real. What makes them non-existent? Lucifer is real, he can create them. Jeez, some logic dad.

I sat and ate as fast as I can and after I had finished my meal, I found my sister still taking her first few bites. "Hurry up, I don't want to be killed by monsters because of you," I whispered into her ear. And my sister being this loud, and most of the time annoying little person just shouted at me, "You didn't have to scare me!" she said and started laughing. I felt my tension increase, if any monster heard her were dead meat, why can't my sister just hurry up? "Just hurry up!" I whispered annoyed. As usual she didn't listen and continued laughing.

We heard a sound that had come from the bushes. "Can we get out of here?" I asked dad over the table. He nodded and took my family back into the same café that we were sitting in before. I felt safer in there but something was not right. Why were all the lights off? Well, maybe it just closed.

We went in and sat on the ground hiding. As I sat I saw a figure in the dark. The figure turned on the light, and I realized that it was my school teacher. I was relieved to see him but as soon as my sister said: "Hi sir!" in her little annoying voice, all my relief was lost and instead it was replaced with fear.

As my teacher turned around yo face us we realised that his eyes were blood red, and instantly he transformed into a wolf right before our eyes. He was a Lycan. I tried to run, but he pounced on top of me. I regret asking him to help us, and I never hated my sister as much as now.

But of course I love her in reality ;D

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