Princess Evas

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Short Story:

Everything quietly slowed to a complete stop, and not a single movement was made on the white crystal floors. My eyes looked around me, yet everything seemed dead as though I were the last one left to die alone on the last death bed. The thick ticking of our old grandfather's heart had stopped, he was broken, and didn't have any more seconds to feed on, nor did our parents the golden tickers that required minutes and hours as a source of food.

Only the loud beating of a human's heart was heard as we were lifted from the smooth golden walls and placed on a flat surface that they called, 'table'. Another heartbeat thumped closer. Our backs were showered with tickles as the human flipped the clock face down causing us numbers to giggle.

He ejected food into our numeric system and then hung us back upon the golden walls of the palace. Our grandfather huskily coughed with wisdom as our parents sung a lullaby. The halls were once again filled with the beautiful ticking music as our grandfather's heart beats got back on track through persistence. Our clock's humming erupted through the endless hallways loud and clear marking our existence, and when midnight sweeps out, our little red robin would fly under the bright moon light and sing a little song about the day the cuckoo clock heart was renewed; and the time came, sooner than I'd thought it would.

I elegantly danced my way on the white crystal floors and as quite as a number could be, I slipped out of the clock's back and hopped onto the grand golden grounds of the King's palace. It was the ballroom that I had to leave every night as the numeric princess, number one. I was number one, assigned with one of the most dangerous numeric duties known to clocks of all types; every clock, had twelve numbers, and each one, had its own daily duties at different times of the day.

Endless seconds passed as I, Princess Evas, walked across the ballroom and out into the dark passageways. One by one I counted my steps towards my daily destination, remembering the laws set by time, I kept my eyes alert at all times. If I blinked for a second, I might be faced by an animal the humans called, 'Cat'. It was a ruthless, gigantic furry animal that has the ability to see through the night and I definitely wouldn't like to be its dinner tonight.

One two three, turn, one two three, twist to the left, one two three, another twist to the right, I skipped down the steps of the now silent palace. Only my feet clinking on top of the golden glistening floors were heard. 'Nearly there,' I reminded myself as I jumped down the last few steps and into the eerie outdoors.

Running with glee at how this trip had passed without any accidents I tripped, rolling in the dirt I struggled to use my straight angles to get up, but as I looked behind me, my feet jumped in a split second. I ran as fast as I could stumbling through the grass, it hissed and swooshed behind me, it's tongue moving like a lightning bolt in the night. "Come hereee, I'll show you something niceee," it whispered as it wormed its way between the long strands of grass.

I slid down the Chronos hole and into time's passage escaping the snake's gnarling mouth. At least the hole is as small as a butterfly. In a blink of an eye the muddy underground transformed into a golden slide and it'd always clumsily throw me out the end.

I stepped into the Uno's queue, awaited my turn, and then fully bowed in front of the Kairos, the prince of time himself. I picked up my daily magic dust and skipped away towards the elevator assigned for me. Sitting down I buckled my seat belts and closed my eyes, for no one could open their eyes in the process of time traveling or they'd be blinded.

I awaited my Theta carriage by the river's bank. 'Beep, Beep,' beeped the crystal carriage, entering it I greeted the coach that sat on top with pride. Of course he'd be proud, he's serving a princess. I got off the carriage at walked back towards the ball room, my back against the wall I crept, and twisted, and turned until I bumped into something fluffy. It was soft and comforting, I rubbed my back against it, loving its warmth and pillow like features, yet the next second I stiffened and my suddenly back froze. I then remembered what object claimed these heavenly features. It's the serpent in disguise, the ferocious cat. "Meow," it mewed, opening its mouth wide enough for me to fall through. I acted as if I didn't realize that it was behind me, leaving it to believe that I was going to fall into her mouth and grant her a delicious dinner meal.

Then I counted calmly, composing myself as I slowly swayed backwards. "One, two, three, a trinity," I whispered as I fled through the hall with rocket speed. I heard her paws softly thump behind me. Allowing her to chase me, I ran back into the ball room and swirled around the furniture three times in pentagrams. A lightning bolt shot through at her causing her to fall asleep. She'd never die, or the human's would realize that something was wrong and send in the ghost busters in.

I sprinkled the magical dust into the designated areas of the old cuckoo clock. It started to create a low musical rhyme, only for us numbers to hear, only for us numbers to use, only for us numbers to create our beautiful ticking music that erupted through the halls every night and day.

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