I'm The Deranged Jester Fairy

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Thanks for tagging me SacredSpace


*Post all rules

*Post 15 facts about yourself

*You can't back out

*Do it within a week

*Can't be in comments, but in a book

*Give the tag a good name

15 Facts about me:

1. I get bored really quick.

2. I love swimming and running.

3. I love bicycle go karts!

4. I love brownies and icecream.

5. I'm a music addict and I listen to pop, house, metal, classic, and rock.

6. I love red and black.

7. I'm Egyptian but I live in the United Arab Emirates.

8. I have two pet turtles. The lighter shaded shell is Karma, and the darker shaded shell is Maroon.

9. I love animals and I cannot choose a favorite.

10. I love movies not shopping. :D

11. I have a blue and red pet male fighter fish called Velvet.

12. My greatest fear is losing the people I love.

13. I have two pet rabbits. The brown male is Salvador Dali and the white female is Ashley.

14. I want to meet a murderer and run away or chat. Or I want to run away for a week, because I feel trapped and I want some excitement in my life.

15. If "The Purge" (movie) was real, I'd be purging in a black and red jester suit with black, white and red face make up of course. I'd most probably use knifes and guns. You all probably think I'm evil now. :D

I tag:


































Well, I tagged a lot of people :D

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