Chapter 19

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Francesca's P.O.V:
----/14 Days 'Till Amor Aeternus \----

I sat on the couch, flipping through the mail Vilu and I have received. Through this process, an envelope with my name and last name written with big letters caught my attention. Wait... What's this? Someone bothered to send me an actual letter? I shrugged and opened the envelope and started reading the letter.

It didn't take a long time so that a huge grin was plastered on my face and let out a loud scream. Oh my god! It starts in two days!! I need to practice! Darn I wish I still had my old sewing machine.. Meh, I'll take care of that later. Tonight, I want to celebrate. But who should I invite out with me?

The door of Violetta's room opened and she came out with a sleepy face. Oops. "Francesca, for goodness sake! Why the hell did you just scream at the top of your lungs?" She whined as she came closer to me.

I handed her the letter. "Read this." She took it from my hand and smiled.

"Dear Mrs. Caviglia,
It is our pleasure to accept you to our 2014 amateur fashion competition!

{blah, blah, blah}"

"Oh my god!! Congrats girl!!" She beamed and embraced me in a tight hug which I happily returned.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

She pushed herself off of me. "We need to celebrate!" She stated.

"Way ahead of you. I was just thinking of who to invite before you came out." I said with a smile.

"Well, I'll go and talk to Fede. How about you invite one more person and we'll go to the bar?" She suggested.

I nodded with a smile. "Great idea. Now go and get ready. We need to go to the coffee shop." She nodded and went to her room.

Back to thinking who to invite.

Well, I started thinking, it's definitely not Tomas. I've been hanging out with him for the past three days. I don't think I can invite Marco. He probably has a lot of stuff going around. Well, I haven't seen Diego in a long time. I should probably invite him.

I took my phone from the table and started tapping on the screen of my phone.

"Hey Diego. If you're free tonight, come help me celebrate my first step on the way to work of domination. Vilu's in on it too and she's inviting her boyfriend. I'm becoming a fashion designer, yo! ✌🏼️"

I clicked 'send' and I went to check if Vilu's done preparing herself. I knocked on the door.

"You done yet?" I asked.

She opened the door and smiled. "Yep. Let's bounce." We link arms and head outside.


"Good morning!" I chirped as I entered the coffee shop.

Tomas furrowed his eyes. "What're you so excited about?" He asked.

"She was accepted to the fashion competition!" Vilu exclaimed.

Tomas grinned. "They accepted you, huh?"

"Not only did they accept me, it was their pleasure." I added with excitement.

"Well then, whenever you need to change your shift, just let me know." He said and I nodded. "It's the least I can do after you helped me keep this place alive." He added.

"Thanks." I quickly thanked him before I started organizing somethings. Good thing we haven't opened the shop yet.

Tomas is a strong person, but this business is tough. If I die all of a sudden, he'll have to hire a complete stranger to help him. Lord knows none of his other baristas are good enough to pick up the slack. I have to do something. I need to make sure he's got someone talented to help him when I'm not here... But I can't just tell him I might be dead in two weeks...

"Hey Tomas..." I trailed to get his attention. He turned around to face me and nodded for me to continue. "There's something else I didn't tell you." I finished.

"What? Did you win a Nobel prize as well?" He joked.

I slightly chuckled. "No. I... Uh.. I need to leave the cafe." He nodded. I shook my head. "Like, permanently."

His eyes widened. "I thought you said the competition wouldn't interfere with your schedule." He remarked.

I shook my head. "The competition won't. I'll stick with you until it's over." I reassured. "But whether I win or lose, fashion is what I want to be doing full time." I added. "At least I have to try, and that doesn't leave any room for this. I'll put in extra hours to help train someone new."

"I have other employees, you know." He said.

I rose my eyebrows. "Calling them employees is stretching the definition a little." I said but quickly add: "Except for Violetta and Luca." He folds his arms. "The others are more like human-looking sloths who you happen to pay."

He sighted. "Okay, fine. If that's what you want. I guess you earned the right to pick how you spend your last weeks here."

I smiled. "I'll train her to be better than me." I assured and he smiled.

This is going to be hard, saying goodbye to everyone... The door of the coffee shop opened and Marco came in. Speaking of which...

"Hiya." I said with a smile.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I'm quitting. I've got a couple of weeks before I leave." I quietly said and he frowned.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

"I... Got accepted into the fashion competition."

"Don't get me wrong, that's fantastic and all, but..." He trailed. "Getting accepted into an amateur fashion competition doesn't mean you're going to be making the big bucks any time soon."

I nod. "Yeah I know that. But I have to move on. Even if I don't win, I need to commit to trying, full time. I don't have time to wait around and see what comes my way." I explain.

He smiles. "All right, but I'm going to be showing up at your apartment at 8 am asking for my coffee." I laugh. "I don't trust anyone else." He adds.

I shook my head. "Don't worry. I'll be training my own replacement. You won't even notice I'm gone."

He shrugged. "Sure." He stayed silent for a second. "You'll let me know when your last day is, right?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"Okay, see you soon." He said before leaving.

This was harder than I thought.


So, no León and Maxi here. Not even in the next one,
Sorry 😁

Hope you enjoyed thus chapter!
Peace out! ✌🏼️

~Nour Lee.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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