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Well, here you were chilling out in your PJs in Leo's cabin as he was tinkering with one of his new inventions.

You knew Leo well enough to know that you shouldn't really interrupt him when he's busy doing a project. The last time you did - you ended up with flour all over your face. Where he got the flour from? You had no idea. But you didn't want to go through another night full of scrubbing flour off your scalp. And ouch, did it hurt!

You never wanted to go through that again...

~*cue Spongebob voice: 30 minutes later*~

Leo had just finished his 'masterpiece' as his eyes gleamed in joy as he looked back at you...

You were fast asleep, with your legs dangling off the bed as you hugged a pillow. His pillow.

He chuckled lightly as he walked up to you and placed a loving hand on your cheek as he spoke the words that made your heart skip a mile...!

"You'll always be my bae..."

He then kissed your forehead as he slipped on a ring on your ring finger as you woke up and looked at him with wide eyes...

He was startled as his eyes widened. Then you broke the silence by asking him the most simplest question he'd heard in his life that made him melt in joy from the inside, you asked him "Always...?"

He just chuckled as he rested his fore head on yours, and whispered "Before anyone else..."

Then he pulled you in for a sweet kiss for which you complied with a smile...

a/n: And that's how he proposed to you! I hope it was new and well yeah, good! I'm sorry it was short. And I hope you liked it!

Have a great day ahead!


Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now