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Hey guys!!!!! I am back.
And guess what? I bought an update.
I know I told you I would update regularly but guess what? I am on my vacation. And my mom warned to dye my hair smurf blue if I try to do anything study related. (Yea my mom is cool like that.) So anyways the point is that the study related things unfortunately included wattpad too.(I know that's plain cruel :( But we gotta love mom's)
So currently I am crouched in a very uncomfortable position in my blanket pretending to sleep and am typing this on phone.
And guess what? I actually don't have anything planned for this chapter yet.
God! I am such a loser .
Anyways sorry for the long rant. Now off we go.
All aboard!
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

Does someone know CPR? Because currently I am feeling breathless and shivers were running up and down my spine, not the good kind if you were wondering and I am moments away from fainting. I don't have a stalker. Do I?

It might seem that I was over reacting a bit.But trust me I've seen enough stalker movies to know that nothing good comes out of it.(I admit the notes were kinda sweet slightly creepy,but still sweet. But don't they all start sweet?)

I was brought out of my rather colourful imagination hearing to a squeal from my right. There stood Em peering over my shoulder to get a good look at the note.
"Omg Ari! This is soo cute." She almost looked like she would split her face from smiling so wide.

"Em stop sounding so happy." I scolded her lightly.
"Aren't you scared of how he passed all the security and climbed all the way to my bedroom without getting caught."

Em looked deep in thought for a moment and shrugged "Meh! Who cares how he got in when the note is so sweet. Unless he's some random hobo trying to plot some weird revenge against you for some unknown reason
She looked slightly creeped out at thought. Trust Em to scare me more.

Okay okay! I'll tell you what's written in the note.Don't bite my head off.

Hey my beautiful!
I've missed you. You missed me too.Didn't you?
Well let's pretend you did.
So how are you doing this fine morning?
I was just wondering. Would you like a beach wedding or a sophisticated one? Personally I think beach weddings are cool.
But the choice is yours. The only thing that matters to me is you.
Oh and btw missing the roses? I didn't get them this time because I was worried they would feel bad seeing your smile.
Smile now. Click.
Don't worry I didn't really take a pic. Because I already have quite few ;)
PS : Cute pj's. I didn't know you liked smurfs.

I looked down only to facepalm myself when I realized what I was wearing. Blue shorts with smurfs printed all over it and a tank to match which I've changed into while explaining to Em all about yesterday's events.

I was more than worried about my safety when he said he had pics of me. We're they inappropriate? God! I hope not.

"We really need to find who this guy is." Em said with her game on face. I wish we would. Because let's be frank this was more than borderline stalkerish stage now. And I am scared.

" Sure we do Em.Sure we do." I muttered more to myself than her.

Why oh why is my life turning into cliche wattpad story? I thought they didn't happen in reality. But I guess every story has a part of experience.

"Okay let's worry about it later. Where's Scott taking you on your anniversary? " I asked intentionally changing the topic.

Em either didn't notice it or let it go respecting my privacy. But knowing Em it must be the former.

"He wouldn't tell me.He says it's a surprise and I am dying to know. You know how much I ate surprises." She said pouting.

I tsked at her."Patience child patience. " I said in repremanding tone as I shook my head at her. She's such a drama queen. But I love her Lott.

"So any progress with lover boy?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows a lot more than necessary making me worry that they would fall off. Here she goes again.!

After two hours of random talking and a tub of Ben n Jerry's later Em got up to leave.

" I better get going. My mom wanted me home early. She told me some guests were coming over." She said sighing at the thought of guests.

I accompanied her till the door and then collapsed on the couch in living room to watch some random show.

I prefer watching TV here even though there a plasma in my room too. The only show I ever watch is Dr.House. It's awesome and I love it. But unfortunately my mom thinks it's not entertaining enough. ( personally I would marry House if I could. Just kidding. He's too old. But he is one smart dude.)

My parents joined me on the couch a little while later and we had good family time. We do this frequently. Even though mom and dad were getting busier by the day they always made time for me.

As evening time rolled by I came back to my room and started working on my maths homework. What? I need to study to get good grades.

I finished the last of the problem and shut the book with a sigh(mixture of tiredness and satisfaction) I switched on my Macbook and loaded my Facebook page.

I replied to the messages and responded to few add requests and scrolled through the news feed. Now time for a little online stalking. Hey don't blame me. I bet everyone of you does that too.

I started off by going through one of my friends profile before I saw something that caught my attention.

"Evan Skylar is now friends with Jake Trevino."

My curiosity got the best of me so I clicked on his name and waited till his profile loaded. It was pretty normal. Nothing too interesting.Well may be except for the profile picture in which he was laying on beach in sand. Shirtless. Yea it was pretty normal.

I was scrolling through his timeline which consisted of random facts, funny statuses,occasional pics and even a few criminal case posts. I know right,so lame.

Just as I was about to go back to my home deciding that I did enough stalking for the day a post caught my attention. My eyes widened.

" Jake Trevino is now in relation with Melissa Hastings. " Woah ! It was dated to two days back. The next day of which he snapped at me.

I shrugged it off and logged out of my Facebook even though a corner of me felt sick. Well what do you expect? It's not every day you get to know that your hot teacher is not single anymore.

However hard I try to push them back the memories of the day he spoke so harshly to me kept coming back.

God! Why was my teacher such a jerk ?

Sooooo. How's it?
Good? Bad? Please let me know.
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I know I referred Melissa Hastings. It was intentional babe's. I love pretty little liars.
PLL all the way!!!!
See ya chicas I gotta act like I am asleep before my mom notices.

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