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Hi dearies..:)

This is the last upload for a while.I am going on a tour..Yippee...(happy dance)

Sorry for the moment of immaturity..(giggle).

Now on to the story,in this chapter a new charecter who plays an important role in the story is introduced.And there is a little surprise in the end..

Hope you enjoy the story..:)

            I woke up drowsily to the sound of my alarm.I slowly trudged my way into the shower.

            I didn't need time to get ready today since I've already straightened my hair and we gotta wear the schools uniform.

            It consists of a blue skirt(mine is a modest size),a white blouse and a navy blue blazer.

          I applied a little nude lipgloss and some eyeliner after dressing myself and I was ready for the day in a hell called school.

           Sparta,bring it on.

           Ok,may be school wasn't that bad since I get good grades and my teachers love me.Well not all of them now.I remarked to myself thinking of a certain new teacher.

           After half and hour I was walking with Em in the hallways.

         "You are taking Spanish this year right?"Em asked me as we entered the hoomroom."Yea,I have it.."

          I was cutoff by a deep voice calling me.Whats with people cutting me off these days?I mused silently.

         I turned around to look at Taylor,an acquaintance of mine.He is quite goodlooking.Well what did I expect?He was our schools golden boy afterall.

         He has messy brown hair and hazel eyes.And was very tall.

        "Hey Ari,how are you?"He spoke with a half smile.I returned his gesture and answered,"Hey Taylor.I am very fine and you?".

         "Awesome now,since I've seen you."He smirked teasingly.I just laughed and said "Well it has been a pleasure to make your day,but we gotta sit before Mr.Rowling starts complainig."

           "Yea,that wouldnt be a pretty sight early in the morning.See ya."He smiled and walked away.

            "Oooo..Talking to the quarterback, now are we?"Em wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.She is doing that a lot now a days.If she doesn't stop it I may have to turn her into monalisa.

           "Yes Em,we were talking. Some thing every human does.You dont have to sound suggestive about it."I stated and we sat in our seats.

             Before she could answer,Mr.Rowling started calling for the name roll which I was thankful for.I didn't like it when Em tried to set me up with anyone and everyone.

            After homeroom,I went to my locker to collect my books for the next classes.As I opened it a small piece of paper fell down from the locker.

            A red rose was placed above it.I took a close look at the rose.It was beautiful.But who would put it in my locker?!I opened the letter gingerly.

          "Dear Ari,You look beautiful today.Not that you donot look pretty everyday.I wanted to give you something as pretty as you,but I couldnt find it.So I brought you the rose.Hope it puts a smile on your face.A smile that brightens my day.And I ll be watching you to catch a glimpse of that smile."

          It wasnt signed nor did I recognise the writing.A shiver ran through my spine at the last line .

         I looked around to see if anyone was looking in my direction.No one was.Everyone was busy with their surroundings.

          I walked swiftly to my first class in hopes of finding Em so that I can talk to her.I stuffed the note in my pocket and started searching for Em.

          Just as I was passing an empty class,a hand clamped onto my arm and dragged me into the class.The intruder placed a firm hand on my mouth o stop me from screaming.

I turned around to see,

So how was it?

Boring?Okay?Or do you want me to delete the story?

I know its short and filler..Sorry.And The earliest I can upload is in a week.

Please comment and vote.I need to know whether you like it or not..Because if u do,I will try to upload more and if you don't I will delete the story..:(

My teacher is a jerk..Where stories live. Discover now