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Hey guys....

I know,I know...I am so sorry for taking so long..

I had a really bad case of writers block..I couldn't write anything..

So yea..

Now on to the story.

Hope you enjoy it.

                  It has been a really long day..What with all the people using cheesy pickup lines.Oh and how can I forget about my calculus homework?

           Seems like Mr.Ross was in a bad mood for no apparent reason,no surprise in that though.He hates every human.(idk about aliens.).

        As of currently,I am walking in the hallways to go to my locker.I need to change the books.Fortunately I can make it on time to my next class which is history aka Mr.Trevino's class.

             I opened my locker hastily only to stop dead and stare.There was another note with three roses stuffed in my locker.

            Oh no!! Not again.I was thinking the first one was a prank.How am I to deal with another one?

                   I opened the note gingerly which was a thick red stick it note.There was a packet of heart shaped choclates with red wrappings.

                 The inside of the letter made me scowl and smile at the same time.

               "Hey Ari,I know you must have been tired listening to pick up lines all day.But I just wanna make you smile..I hope this sounds appealing because thats the truth.,'The only thing I wanna change about you is your last name.' I mean it Ari you are going to be mine.Only mine."

                  The last sentence creeped me out real bad.I really hope its some idiot pranking on me.The last thing I need in my life is a stalker.

                    Possibilities of who it might be flooded through my mind.The only one who knows my locker combination besides me is Em.

                   But I know ites not her.Because she couldn't hide it from me this long.Her excitement would be a dead give away.

                     It may be my other friends like Olivia,Alice,Alex or Tina..But none of them knew my locker combination.

                 I stuffed the note and choclates in my backpack and placed the roses back in my locker.I dont want everyone asking who gave them.

            I hurried down the hallways.I dont wanna give Mr.Trevino  a chance of giving me another unofficial detention.I reached the class just in time for the bell to ring.

             I sat down in my seat which to my utter unluckiness was in the middle of first row.Mr.Trevino acknowledged me with a smirk,Which annoyed me to a great extent.

              The class was intersting.I've always liked history,and English and arts and biology and..Okay I love all of my subjects.

                    Before I know it the class was over and we were all packing our books.Relief flooded through knowing that I made through this class without any confrontation.

                      Unfortunately my backpack decided that it was a perfect time to irritate me.By the time I've managed to stuff all my books in my bag I was the last to leave the class.

                  I got up hastily and started towrds the exit without zipping up my bag only to be interrupted by a deep voice.

                               "In a hurry to leave Miss.Summers?"He drawled out.

                        "Uh yes Mr.Trevino I need to leave before my ride ditches me."I replied uneasily.If you haven't noticed,lying is not one of best qualities.

                              "I can give you a ride in that case.Since you were supposed to help me set up all the schedules and assignment.And Oh I don't think you need a ride considering you drive your own BMW."He smirked at the end.

                              Real smooth Ariana,real smooth.Couldn't you have said any other believable lie.How does he even know I drive my baby?What is he now, a stalker?

                                   "Oh.I uh forgot that I drove my car Mr.Trevino."I said lamely.

                         "Tsk tsk..Very bad.Any ways now get to work unless you want to stay here all night sorting through the stuff."He walked away not waiting for my answer.

                                I didn't need to be told twice.I started with the weekly assignments and worked for the next hour.I was veryyyyy tired.

                            "Enough for today little Ari.You can do that tomorrow." I almost jumped with joy hearing I can go,but stopped myself just in time.

                          "Little? I am not little."I exclaimed loudly. I am not short.Okay may be I am a bit short but he doesn't need to point that out.

                          Oh, c'mon.You are tiny.What are you?five feet?" He mocked me. Ugh he is such a jerk.

                               "No! I am 5 feet 4 inches.That is not short.Its not like every one can be a freaking tower like you." Realising what I said my eyes widened.

                 But fortunately Mr.Trevino didn't find it too offensive because his eyes lit up with amusement."Whatever you say little Ari." He said in a sing-song voice.

                         "Mr.Trevino,.." I started before I was cut off rather rudely by none other than Mr.Jerk."Call me Jake after school.Mr.Trevino is my father."He said in a light tone but his eyes hardened at the name of his father.

                       It didn't feel right seeing Mr.Trevino like that.I felt a wierd feeling in the pit of my stomach.May be there was something wrong with the sandwich I ate for lunch.

                             "Okay.But you need to stop calling me little Ari." I told him seriously.

                   "Uh huh.That is for me to decide.I am the teacher here.Not you."He said truimphantly.Oh right he is my teacher.An immature one but a teacher nonetheless.

                           "Ugh alright I am going."I started walking off not wanting to raise my bloodpressure levels any further.

                           "You know you shouldnt wear make up."I heard a voice behind me.I raised a hand to my face involuntarily."Its messing with perfection."He finished.

                  I blushed at that even though I tried not to.Is my teacher using a pickup line on me? Ok it sounds even bad when I say it out loud.

                        "I don't wear make make up."I said in a defensive tone.Just as he was about to reply his mobile sounded.

                   He looked at the screen with annoyance for a second before answering it."Hey babe."He said in a cheerful voice.

                            I just rolled my eyes and started going out of the class.I just want to go to my room.

                          My teacher is such a player oh and how can I forget a jerk?

So how was it?

I know its kinda boring..

But I am trying to develop the story before drama starts.

And this was all I could manage in between my school,dance and exams.

So please vote and comment.

And any guesses about the secret admirer?

Share your thoughts.

Bye c ya..takecare..:)

My teacher is a jerk..Where stories live. Discover now