Chapter 23(Party-2)

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So my dearest people, remember pingu the zombie?

Well I don't blame you if you don't, it's been pretty long!

So how are you doing?

Now about the story (peeks from behind a curtain) I'll try to update it. I swear!!

So here we go!!!!

Hope you like it.

Enjoy. :)

Oh! This part is dedicated to Rocker_Graceffa .Thanks for the support. You're awesome. And a shout out to lanadavies199 and callie-star. You rock guys!

This is the second part of the party!! So if you don't remember just check out the previous chapter once if you'd like.

Dancing with Aaron was fun. He was a good dancer so it was easy to dance with him. And you already know how much of a goof he is so we were laughing most of the time.

"So Little Ari, how's school going on?" Aaron asked conversationally. I groaned loudly at this. "Not you too Aaron!! I'm not little. Stop calling me that."

"I see how it is. Only Jake gets to call you Little Ari. I thought we had something special. " He said fake sniffing with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Stop being so dramatic Aaron. Mr.Trevino does not call me that.Anyways I'm not little, am I?" I tried to look taller but failed miserably. Even in my 3 inch heels he's more than half a head taller than me!

"Are you sure Ari? Because I think you don't sound so sure. " He winked again. What's with boys and winking? They might as well have eye seizures with the number of times they are winking.

"Oh believe me Aaron. I'm not short, I'm fun size." This time I was the one winking.

Aaron's laugh was interrupted by my phone buzzing. I knew it was mean to leave a person hanging in the middle of slow dancing to check your phone so I tried to shrug it off. But Aaron being the awesome person he is said "Go on. It might be important. Don't want to keep your admirers waiting."

On hearing this my heart missed a beat then again I shrugged it off seeing as it might be a mere coincidence. I got my phone out of my silver clutch to see that it was a text from Em.Okay this is not going to be good. In the haste to get ready for the party and trying to grill my father for details(and failing exceptionally) it completely slipped my mind to inform Em about the party.I'd be so dead when I tell her about it.

As much as I don't fancy hearing her rant I gotta reply to her now!!!! Ofcourse I do. It's in the bff's code .Reluctantly I opened the text expecting a long rant but all I saw was a simple 'Sup babe?'

I decided to call her for a minute and let her know instead of staring into my phone chatting like an idiot. I excused myself from Aaron with an apologetic smile and walked into the corridor just as she picked up.

"Okay.Don't yell at me but I forgot to tell you one thing" I finished before she could say hello.I could imagine her narrowing her eyes through the phone. "Go on." I could hear the demand in her tone.

I sighed as I finished talking in one breath "I'matapartythatMr.Trevinoinvitedme" Okay! I did it! I told her. Who cares if it wasn't clearly understandable.

But unfortunately Em didn't seem to think so because she mustered as much as sarcasm she could before speaking "I admit I'm a multitalented girl Ari but gibberish is way out of my league."

I rolled me eyes "Someone is really grumpy". My little comment didn't seem to be appreciated because I heard her sigh. You know I'm moments away from blasting your head into poof sigh. This was never a good sign. So I started explaining before she could plan on eulogy for my funeral.

"So, remember how Mr.Trevino wanted to speak to me after school? Well he, uh ,he invited me to a party!" I finished and let my shoulders sag.

"Whaaaaaatttttttt? How did this happen?When did this happen? Why did this happen? Are you snogging our teacher behind my back? Which dress are you wearing? Please tell me you are wearing that sexy black pumps." By this time my face was a bright shade of red.

"Em breath! Just breath! I'm here with my parents and before you ask NO we are not here to plan a wedding. My parents are friends with the Trevinos and they invited us to a business party. I'm wearing my royal blue dress and unfortunately I couldn't find those black pumps and for the record I'm sooo NOT snogging Mr.Trevino." I took a long breath.

"I see how it is. You don't even tell your bestfriend about your parties anymore." She fake sniffed. I blew out a breath before saying "I'm sorry Em .I literally had no time at all to text you ." I was kinda feeling bad because I tell Em everything.

"Well young lady it better not happen again." She said teasingly . "Aye aye captain! Duly noted." We both laughed for a moment before I realized something "Hey weren't you supposed to be with Scott on your monthly anniversary? They were one of those lovey-dovey couples that celebrated every occasion. Well I admit it's cute at times but not so much when I feel like a third-wheel.

"Ugh! Don't ask me about it. Scott had to cancel at the last moment because of some family emergency .That's reason I called to see if you wanted to hang out but missy here is busy running of to parties." She sounded disappointed and I felt bad but there was nothing I could do now.

"I'm sorry again Em but I gotta go now. Aaron's waiting for me.I'll call you after I get home and give you a whole report on my evening." I didn't want Aaron to think I'm a rude witch for making him wait for so long. It's been way longer than a minute. But Oh well! Besties before anything.

"You better! See you later girl. Have fun!Not too much though." Em will be Em. I sighed and put my phone back in my clutch.

Just as I was about to go inside I heard a voice that made me choke(not literally).

"That was one interesting conversation.What was it I heard about snogging?" I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Snogging? I was talking about the weather. I said smogging. You know like smog? " I stopped making any sense right now. The first step in losing my sanity is making nouns into verb forms.

"Sure you were sweetheart. "My heart skipped a beat at that.

Soooooo...How was it?

I admit it was kinda lame and cliche. But that was all I could make out.

Who do you think that caught Ari's convo?

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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