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I still can't believe the vacation is over!!!

I mean wasn't I done with my last exam of the year just like a week back or something?

Well, I hope you are just as miserable as me about the fact that we should go back to school.

Now coming to the point, I've written this chapter on my phone while I was drooping off into the sweet oblivion of sleep.

So pardon me if there are any mistakes.

Oh this chapter is dedicated to floatingice. She's awesome. Please check out her story.

Now off you go!
All aboard!

The next few days of school flew by with the teachers making us study till we believed 'studying ' literally means student dying. Aren't we supposed to take it slow during the begging of the year?

Me and Em were walking through the hallways talking about the physics test we had coming when someone's hand clamped on to my shoulder from behind.

Well, this is interesting. I mean it hasn't happened for a long time.

I turned around to look into a familiar pair of green eyes. Okay! Now this is really strange. It's been realllly long that I had to face him. Apart from the occasional head nod or awkward smile

There standing in front of me in all his 6 feet 2' glory was Reece Carter.My one and only ex boyfriend. If I can actually call him that.

If dating for a month and breaking it off because we were better off as friends is considered dating, then yes, he is my ex.

We were friends from middle school. Our friends group was pretty much mutual and he thought it's a good idea to ask me out for winter dance and being the awkward person I am I ended up saying yes.

Now before I go into further details ,you got the point. So suffice to say I was shocked when he suddenly decided to confront me.

I tried shrugging off his arm as unnoticeably as possible and gave him an awkward smile.

He smiled back pleasantly and started walking along with me and Em to the cafeteria. Em was nudging me in the side trying to make me speak.

He saved me the effort by asking "So how's it going? "

Oukay! So I could've done better in making a small chitchat . But it's the thought that counts right.

"It's all good. So what have you been up-to recently? " I see I wasn't any better.

"Same old same old you know! Studying, homework, gym, boxing. " he trailed off.

I guess I forgot to mention the fact that Reece was a champion in boxing.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but is there a reason you came up to me all of a sudden. " I was really curious to know.

"I just wanted to see how you are doing. Shouldn't an old friend come by and say hi?"I smiled thinking of all the good times we had before all the dating fuss came up.

"Ofcourse you can. It was really nice talking to you after so long."I replied and looked at Em and realized that she had her thinking face on. I nudged her in the side subtly. She snapped out of her reverie and smiled at him.

"Yea. We missed having you around."She added. Sure she did! She has always disliked Reece as long as I can remember.

"You know we should all hangout sometime.Just like the old times. It's been really long." He trailed off awkwardly. I smiled and answered "Sure! We'll do it soon."

With that being said he walked off in the opposite direction.Whistling to himself. I shook my head at his retreating back and turned around and started walking.As I took a few steps I realized that Em wasn't walking with me.

"You know we are supposed to get to class sometime within this decade!" I joked when I realized that she zoned off standing in the middle of hallways. And she calls me a day dreamer. She had the attention span of a goldfish.

"Uh ,yea.. Don't you think that its weird that he suddenly wants to hangout with us?" She asked with a suspicious look. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"C'mon Em! You think everything is weird. Lets go now before we get late to our class. I really don't want to face Mr.Rowling's wrath early in the morning." With that we started walking.

********** **************** *************

By the time history class rolled around I wanted nothing more than to lay on my bed hiding in my warm comforter.I sighed when I realized that I had to get into the class sooner or later where my doom was waiting for me. Don't mind me. I tend to exaggerate things when I'm tired. I mean Mr.Trevino was soooo not my doom. He's more like an annoying jerk.

I entered the class knowing that I was just procastinating .Mr.Trevino acknowledged my hello with a small head nod. Ugh! He's in one of his moods. He's like a girl on his periods. One minute he's all teasing and the next all snapping. I'll never understand him.

The class dragged on and by the time it ended I was the first one to jump out of the seat and rush out. But unfortunately my jerk of a teacher thought it was necessary to hold me up after class.

By the time the last student left my patience was thinning out. I heaved a sigh after smiling at the last girl and looked at Mr.Trevino expectantly. He raised his eyebrows as if asking me what I wanted . He's got to be kidding me! He made me wait for nothing.

Just as I was about to blow up with anger he laughed, "Okay, my dear little kitten ,don't kill me just yet. I just wanted to officially invite you to the stupid formal party my family is conducting. " He finished with a sour look on his face.

Oukay! Now I was confused. Since when did teachers invite their students to family parties? Just as I was about to ask him just that he held his hands up. "I can't really answer all your questions right now. I can just tell you that I'm not some pedophile who wants to have his way with you. Your father and mine are close friends, so its legit that his whole family is invited to the party."

I felt left out now!! How did I not know that my teacher is the son of my father's close friend. Ugh! Another addition to the mysteries of Ariana Summers life. I wanted to ask hundred more questions but Mr.Trevino cut me off.

"Your father will tell you the further details.Now get going Miss.Summers." He stressed on Miss.Summers part. I just let out frustrated grunt and started walking out of the room with Mr.Trevino who was locking his door.

"Mr.Trevino I.." I was cut off yet again by him.

"Shhhh! Do you want me to make me shut your mouth or will you do it willingly?" What's with him today? He's being plain annoying.

"What's with the hurry Mr.Trevino? Got a hot date?" I taunted him .

"You'r a clever girl little Ari. I'm getting really late for my hot date.So kindly, Get out! " Ouch!! Did he have to be so mean?

I glared at him and started walking away to the parking lot when he yelled "Be ready at 8 pm sharp tomorrow Miss.Summers. Don't want you to be tardy." He said with an arrogant smirk indicating the day when I was late for his first class.

Ugh!! My teacher is a jerk!

So? How was it?

The next chapter will be interesting. I promise!
I'm very excited to write it.

Till next time. See ya lovelies.

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