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Hey guys...

Another update.

This chapter isn't very good.

But it gets better later on..

Hope you enjoy..:)

             I was nervous.My palms were sweating and my heart was running a marathon.Too bad I hadn't met Mr.Trevino before olympics.

              I was staring at his broad shoulders since I was walking behind him.We finally reached his classroom after manuvering through the hallways.

            He went in first and left the door to shut in my face literally.Wow he is such a gentleman I thought sarcastically.I banged my nose in to it.

               I turned a dark shade of red from the humiliation.He snorted loudly at that.Ugh what a jerk! I thought spitefully.

            I realized I said it loud only when he turned to me with amusement in his eyes and said"That is not a way to talk to your teacher Miss.summers."

             My eyes widened,because lets face it,I wouldn't talk that way to a student let alone a teacher.

             "I uh..I am sorry Mr.Trevino"I apologized.I already made him mad enough on that day in the office.I didn't want to mess with him any further.

        "Hmm Okay.But I'll consider it only if you help me with setting up all the books and assignments for all my classes."He bargained.

             "What?! I rather have a detention.I cant do all that work for you staying after school because you decided to be lazy for no apparent reason."I exclaimed loudly.

               Did he really expect me to do all his work?

            "Oh then you have a week long detention with me.And you have to sort out all my stuff for all my classes for punishment."He finished smirking.

            Ugh! I cant have a week long detention.I glared at the satan himself as he stared down at me.

             I let out a dejected sigh and said"Okay .I'll help you."He smirked again and I resisted the urge to staple his mouth on both sides.Does he know how to smile normally?

                I just continued with my glaring.

             "We have a deal then.You are going to help me after school whenever I need."He stated as he was walking towards the pile of books.

          "It is called a deal when both the people agree and benefited by it.Why the heck do we have a deal?"I shouted after him.

          "Oh you will be benefited by getting to spend time with me which all the girls die for."He replied arrogantly.

          "And I don't want any further discussions in this matter."He said and started texting on his phone.I sighed heavily once again.I seem to that a lot today.

          As I looked up to ask him which books to start on first,I got caught up in his looks.He was smirking at his phone and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he is.Too bad he is an arrogant devil.

         He decided to look up at that instant and his smirk widened as he noticed I was already staring at him.

          "Did you see something you like?"He asked his tone dripping with confidence.

          "Oh,I would,if you bend a little and move to your left."I answered nodding towards Taylor,who to my utter luck walked by at the same time.

            God!Thank you very much for helping me out.I owe you one.

           He honestly didn't expect make to answer the way I did because,his eyes widened and a deep scowl set itself up on his face.

          He muttered a whatever and returned back to his texting.But not before glaring at Taylor for a second.

           Meh! Boys and their egos..He didn't need to hate Taylor just because he looked good.May be even as good as him.

         Taylor looked through the window as if he had sensed our eyes on him.He gave a nod in Mr.Trevino's direction and smiled warmly at me, which I involuntarily returned.

        Taylor was one of the nicest good looking guys of jefferson high.Sure,he may be a little cocky,but which jock wasn't?He was our star quarterback and the most popular guy in our school.

           "I want the work to be done by the next hour not next year."Mr.Trevino muttered clearly annoyed with something.

        Ugh!Whats up with his mood swings?One minute he was teasing and the next he was glaring.He is so annoying.I returned his glare and started sorting the books out.

          After an hour later I was very tired and bored."I guess its enough for today.Pack your things up."Mr.Trevino's voice floated up from where he was standing the last hour watching me work and occasionally text.

         I sighed in relief because I was a step away from dying due to boredom.

          "Thank you Mr.Trevino."I smiled brightly at him momentarily forgetting the reason I had been bored was him.

          Mr.Trevino seemed to be in a daze for a moment before he composed himself and smiled back at me.A real smile,not a smirk.

           And let me tell you he looked adorable with it.May be he wasn't a complete jerk afterall."Okay lets get going."He said ushering me outside and locking the door.

          "Bye Mr.Trevino.Have a good evening."I said trying to be nice.

           "Oh!I will.But I doubt you will have one because you are going to miss me."He smirked.

           Oh!He definitely is a jerk.I walked off with a glare in his direction.

         Just as I was turning into the student parking lot he yelled after me"Get ready for a surprise tomorrow.And I have a feeling you wont find it very pleasing."

        Oh my.What did he plan again?

       Dear god,I don't owe you anything now.

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