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Hello  people.

Another  update  yaay!!!!

I  am  kinda  disappointed  that  the  last  chapter  didnot  get  more  votes..:(

Please  vote  and  comment.

Tell me whether you like it or you want me to delete the story..

Now off to the story.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

                               All through the way to Taylor's house my mind was preoccupied.I was thinking back to what had happened in the classroom with Mr.Trevino.I swear he is bipolar.One minute he looks like he regrets snapping at me and the next minute he is snapping at me to go do important things.

                            I sighed loudly and decided not to think about him.He always seems to get the worst out of me.I turned my head to see Taylor concentrating on the room with a small frown on his face.

                                "So,what do you need help with?" I asked wanting to clear my head of all thoughts.

                                "I suck at chemistry.I dont understand what is the purpose of learning all those moles and concentrations.And dont even start with organic chemistry."He finished with a shudder.


                                    I laughed at that.As I was about to reply we reached a white two story house with a picket fence.It gave off a very homely feeling.It was the kind of house I liked to live in unlike the mansion which I call home.

                                    We got down and walked to the door.By the timehe was about to open the door I was kinda nervous.I know Taylor was a good kid and  he means no harm but I dont usually go to peoples houses.

                                        I didnt have time to comprehend the situation further because as soon as Taylor opened the door a girl who seemed to be about 7 years came bouncing to Taylor and threw her little arms around his legs.

                                          Seeing her Taylor's face broke into a big grin.For a second I felt jealous of the siblings.Being the only child I've never had the affection of a sibling.But nonetheless I smiled at the scene in front of me.

                                        The little girl turned to the side and when she noticed that there is another person standing in the room she hid behind her brother.Taylor noticed this and started introducing us.

                                        "Macy,this is Ariana my friend and Ari this is Macy my little sister."He finished.I squatted down to her level and stretched my hand out for her.She placed her hand shyly.

                                                  "Hey Macy.You can call me Ari."I told her.She was very cute."Are you Ty's girlfriend?" She asked in an innocent voice.I stared at her wide eyed.

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