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Hola people..

Meet Pingu,the zombie..(aka me.)

I am sooo tired I can sleep all through this decade.But unfortunately I can't due to school..

So I decided to humor you guys atleast.

But before I start writing,let me warn you,I have nothing to write.So I am brain stroming.Lets hope my brain works.

What to write?what to write?

well,here goes nothing.

'The acceleration due to gravity of a vertically projected bod..."Aaaaaaaaaaaarghhh..This is the millionth time in the past twenty minutes I read this question.But I couldent concentrate enough to solve it.

Billions of thoughts were swimming around in my head making me lightheaded.Who is the stalker?Why did Taylor compliment me today?Why is my teacher such a jerk?Why am I thinking about him?Why...

Here I go again.I sighed and pushed my books away from me.It seems like my head is in no mood for homework today.

After coming home from school and showering I did nothing but think about all todays events.My life seems full of drama right now.

Deciding that I need to treat myself with some icecream,I started walking down the hallway to go to the kitchen.

On the way I passed my dads office.I stopped in my tracks at the sound of voices.Usually my dad doesn't come home so early.

"So,did you talk to your father about it?"I heard my dad ask someone.I was never this nosy,but for some reason my brain was urging me to eavesdrop.So I gave in.

"No.I didn't get to talk to him."At the sound of Mr.Trevino's voice I stiffened.What was he doing here?Oh snap!Today is wednesday isn't it?So he is here for my father.

Mr.Trevino's voice was stiff and clipped.It didn't hold the mixture of amusement and humor it always does when I'm around.I didnt know I was so entertaining.Pfft..

"I hope you get it all right."My father's voice sounded closer.Ugh,I missed what Mr.Trevino was saying.He seemed upset talking about his father,not once,but twice.

Before I had time to move away from the door,my dad opened the door followed by a somber looking Mr.Trevino(I guess I should call him Jake like he asked me to).

OOps!! I was caught stealing the cookie from the jar.I gave them a sheepish smile.My dad looked at me bewildered and asked,"Ari?What are you doing here?"

"I,uh.."my stammering was cut off by my fathers phone ringing.Uffff.Saved by the bell.

"I gotta take this.Ari,please show Jake the way out."He started walking into his office again.

The tension was thick in air.I looked up at Mr.Trevino to see what he was thinking,But wish I didnt seeing the look on his face.

His eyes seemed so cold and he was looking at me with a loathing look.Just knowing that he was looking at me like that hurt me somehow.My stomach twisted into nets.

"This way Mr.Trevino." I spoke turning in opposite direction trying to break the tension.He followed me without a word.

I wanted to know what caused him to look so crestfallen.I tried to think of different consequences but came up with nothing.So I decided to ask him.But tried to play it safe.

"Mr.Trevino,where do your parents live?"I asked meekly.He looked at me sharply but answered nonetheless.

"They live in Newyork."He answred in a clipped tone.I've never heard him speak like that.But I still decided to question him,talking to people about their problems does help.

"Is every thing allright with you and your father?You know,"I was cutoff by Mr.Trevino slamming the main door open.I didn't realise we reached there.

"Save it Ariana.Just save it.Or should I say Miss.Summers.You know just because I know your father doesnt mean you are my friend and you can intrude into my personal life..Just know that I am your teacher,nothing more. Anyways what should I've expected from a rich daddy's little girl like you who thinks everyones life is perfect?Nothing right?Just come out of your perfect life once to see the world.Don't act like you care.I hope you understand that from now on my personal life is none of your concern."He yelled in the coldest tone he could manage.

Tears welled up in my eyes at that.No one has ever spoken so harshly to me in my whole life.I was just trying to help.I didn't know it was a taboo subject for him.

Just then he looked down at me after letting everything out.His eyes softened after seeing my face or I just imagined that they did.I didnt know how I looked but inside I felt so hurt.I didnt know why his words affected me this much.But they did.

He opened his mouth as if to say something more.But I didnt let him.I couldn't take anymore.His words hurt me enough already.He didn't need to say anymore.I understood that the matter was none of my concern,actually he was none of my concern.

"Good bye Mr.Trevino."I muttered in a week voice.My voice betrayed me by showing how much hurt I felt by his words.

I shut the door without looking at him or waiting for his reply.

That night I cried myself to sleep.Somewhere in the middle of the night I came to a conclusion that I needed to stay away from Mr.Trevino because for some reason he seemed to think that I am nothing but a pathetic rich girl who doesnt care about other people.

Why does my teacher have to be such a jerk?

I know I know.

Its depressing and short.

That was I could manage.I was feeling very down so I decided to show the jerk in Jake.

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