it comes to the light.

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Song for this chapter: Amber run- I found.

Chresanto pov

3 weeks

It has been three weeks since Morgan came back home where she truly belonged.

Three long heart throbbing weeks.

As I stood there holding her hair as she vomited for the third time today my heart ached.

The misery she's been through since she has began chemotherapy is too much for me to take.

Chemotherapy is practically them shooting poison through her body to kill out the cancer cells. Although I'm grateful for it, the side affects fuck her up completely.

Morgan plopped down onto the cold tile of the bathroom floor as tears filled her eyes.

"I'm okay." She announced hoping to take the worried look from my face.

"You're doing better." I forced a smile as the little white lie slipped from my lips. "Let's get you back in bed." I told her.

Im off on vacation at the restaurant so I can be here to care for Morgan as she goes through these terrible changes in her life. I want to be here for here any way I possibly can, but this pain she's going through.. It's out of my reach.

Morgan remained leaning against the bathroom sink until she slowly reached her hand up running it through her curly hair. When she removed her hand there laid a hand full of her curls in the palm of her hand.

Of course I noticed all the hair that has fallen out every morning on her pillow. I pretend that I don't see it as she changes her pillow cases.

Morgan continued to repeat her previous action of raking through her hair causing more chunks to fall out until I finally grabbed onto her hand.

"Morgan." I breathed out.

"My hair." She choked out her eyes glossy threatening to spill the tears of which held her pain. "It's coming out." She said.

I remained quiet.

"I'm going to be bald soon, you know that right?" She told me, of course I knew.  "Look." She said holding her hand out which held her hair in it so I can see. "My nails are rotten." She continued to point out her flaws  as I looked at the yellowness of her finger nails.

She looked back up into the mirror at her own reflection. "Iv gone completely hideous." She choked out causing my heart to throb.  "There's no way I can compete with her." She cried out.

I wanted to fix my mouth to tell her she wasn't hideous, she was still the most beautiful girl iv ever laid eyes on but the last part of her sentence caught my attention tuning the rest out. "Compete?" I Questioned finally able to talk. "Compete with who?" I asked.

"Sky." Morgan spat. "I can't compete with her anymore, she'll finally win you over." Morgan said knowingly. "I wouldn't blame you though, she's so beautiful... Then there's me." Morgan continued.

"Who would possibly want this." Morgan shouted before punching the mirror clearly Fed up with what she saw.

At that point I was finally knocked from my state of shock. "Morgan!" I shouted as I grabbed onto her, the blood trickling from her knuckles covered the bottom of my shirt as I held her in my arms and watched the love of my life come undone.

"Morgan what are you talking about?" I questioned curious of her sudden outburst.

"I know chresnato." She choked out in a low tone covered by more sobs. "I know." She repeated as her and I laid on the bathroom floor while I kept her wrapped in my arms to prevent anymore tantrums.

"I know about the two of you." She clarified.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. 


"I'm not sure what really went down with the you and skylar but what I do know is that something happened." She began. "I'm not stupid, I may have cancer but I can still see perfectly fine." She told me.

I was still confused.

"The look on her face when everyone come over to see me tells it all. It breaks her heart to see you with me Chres." Morgan said knowingly "Why does seeing us together bring her so much pain all of a sudden. You must have lead her on in some way." Morgan continued.

The bathroom washed over with silence as I tried to understand how she could possibly pick all of this up over the course of these past weeks... I will never understand girls.

"Just tell me." Morgan breathed out. "Tell me what you did." She plead.

There was no point in lying anymore, I had to come clean... Even if it was going to hurt her, I had to come clean, now was my chance.

"After you told me you never loved me that day in Joanna's room I lost it." I admitted. "I became border line suicidal." I continued.

I felt as Morgan's body tightened in my arms.

"Sky was there for me." I reminded her. "One thing lead to another and we had sex." I continued. "We hung out for a few weeks after that, and made plans to leave town together." I admitted "but all of that changed when I found out about you and how sick you were." I told her.

Morgan's head fell onto my shoulder as a vacant look filled her eyes.

"Do you love her?" Morgan questioned finally speaking up.

"W-what?" I choked out taken completely off guard.

"Do you love sky ?" She asked me again.

I didn't want to answer that question. I couldn't answer that question, iv already hurt Morgan enough.

I let the bathroom sit in silence.

"Do you love her" Morgan repeated again, this time in a more stern way demanding for an answer.

I let out a deep breath "Yes." I admitted.

Morgan's eyes looked to the bathroom wall as my arms remained tightly around her.

And that's when I knew the conversation had came to its end. it was clear she had nothing more to say.

The bathroom sat quiet the only sound being drops coming from the faucet.

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