Igniting old flames

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Chresanto POV

I opened my eyes this morning to the most perfect women in the world and i couldn't help but smile as i placed a quick kiss on her forehead. How could someone look so perfect while sleeping?

I eased myself out of the bed careful not to wake her while i headed to the bathroom to handle my hygiene. I wanted to get a head start this morning so i could make my baby breakfast in bed. Which turned out to be much more work than i thought. Morgan make it look so easy.

I smiled proud of myself as i filled the tray with French toast, eggs, turkey bacon and a fruit bowl i put together i made sure to go to Starbucks to get her favorite drink and one of those sugary ass cake pop things she love. I wrote a quick love note in the card i got her and grabbed the roses and made my way upstairs determined to make her smile.

Everything i do is for her.

"Baby, wake up." I said in between kisses causing Morgan's eyes to flutter open. I stared down at her as i continued to kiss on her. "Goodmorning beautiful." I greeted.

She smiled as she sat up. Her eyes widen as she took in the breakfast in bed i put together. "What's all this for?" She questioned.

"Just wanted to." I shrugged. I missed being able to do nice things for her. Lately she hasn't been allowing it.

"This was really sweet." She cheesed. "But we need to talk." She breathed out.

I let out an exhausted breathe as i sat down on the bed beside her. "What did i do now morgan?" I questioned trying my hardest to hide my irritation. Couldn't she just enjoy the breakfast ?

"How did you find out where i was lastnight?" She asked catching me off guard.

"Really?" I questioned searching for the right words. "Why does it matter morgan? If i didn't show up God only knows what would have happened" i spat.

"I can take care of my damn self" she snarled. "I don't need you stalking me around town" she continued. "Now tell me how did you know ? I never even been to that bar before and as far as I'm concerned you stopped drinking or did you lie about that?" She growled.

"How the hell do you just go from 0-100 like that?" I shouted. "Since when do i lie to you?" I questioned. "Cmon now morgan" i spat.

"You saying everything but the answer to my question." She snarled.

I let out a worried sigh. "I put a Tracking device in your car." I admitted. Her eyes expanded as she looked at me in disbelief.

"You are a fucking sociopath" she spat. Causing my stomach to sink.

"Baby" i breathed out grabbing ahold of her to stop her from storming away from me. "Let me explain." I plead.

"Nothing you say can justify this." she spat.

"After you stopped sharing your location with me i had to do something. You don't communicate with me letting me know your whereabouts." I stressed out.

"Are you hearing yourself?" Morgan question a distasteful look on her face. "You are not my father." She spat. "You know exactly why i stopped sharing my location with you" she reminded me. "You think constantly popping up on me trying to control my every move is okay?" She spat

I let out a deep breath as i ran my hands across my face trying to find the right words. She was right. Iv been way too overbearing.

I started to feel so guilty as i thought back to lastnight.

"Am i suffocating you so much to the point you Had to turn to drinking?" I asked her. Her silence spoke a a thousands words. "Baby" i choked out grabbing her face into my hands wiping away the fallen tears that began to slip out. "I'm so sorry." I told her before kissing her lips.

"Morgan, I'm just so fucking scared to lose you." I began. I'm scared of something in this fucked up world to happen to you and there's nothing i could do about it ." I continued. "i don't want anything or anyone to ever hurt you again." I stressed out. "Seeing your battle with cancer scared the hell out of me, seeing you in pain everyday and not being able to take that pain away made me feel so helpless." I admitted.

She buried herself into my chest hugging me tight. "I understand now." She breathed out causing me to hold her tighter. "Our Love is forever." She told me.

"Always will be." I responded before crashing my lips into hers.

"This is the stupidest shit I've ever done." Prod growled as he swung at the golf ball missing it completely earning laughs from all of us.

"You just suck" Princeton teased causing prod to start  squaring up with him. They continued going around in a circle squaring up until ej tripped prod causing him to fall bringing Princeton down with him.  I couldn't contain my laughter as i shook my head. "Y'all embarrassing." I pointed out.

"Can't take black folks no where" diggy spat. As he swung at the ball sending it right into the hole. "Easy" he bragged.

"Black folks?" Prod scoffed. "See that's the problem you and chres think y'all white or something. Got our black ass out here in this LA heat playing golf!" He growled.

I laughed. "Y'all are so damn stereotypical." I chuckled packing up as we loaded into the golf cart.

"Where we bout to eat at?" Princeton questioned mimicking the little boy from the viral twitter video causing laughter to fill the air. This boy is a walking meme

We headed straight to hooters after golfing to grab some food while we watched the game and after prod had one too many drinks i was left with having to be the one to drive him home.

Why everybody wanna be drunk all of a sudden? I questioned to myself as i dug into his pocket to retrieve his keys while i struggled to keep him on his feet.

"Almost there." I told him as i drug him into the house.

"Good you're home, look what's been waiting for you" a soft seductive voice called out that seemed all too familiar. I turned my head to see Her walking down the stairs i allowed prod to fall from my hands causing him to plop onto the couch as i took in the site before me. There stood sky with her silk robe wide open with only a sparkly thong underneath it.

"Sky?" I questioned as my eyebrows furrowed together. This was the last thing i expected to see. She let out a surprised gasp as she pulled her robe closed. "What are you doing here?"I questioned.

She tucked her hair behind her ear as embarrassment washed over her face. "How the hell did this even happen." I questioned.

She sighed. "Maybe we should wait to talk about this when he's alert enough to explain his side." She told me.

I smacked my lips. "My bestfriend?" I spat in disgust.

"Chresanto" she breathed out. i didn't mean for it to happen like this or for you to find out this way" she stressed.

"You know what?" I chuckled. "I don't even care, he's just another black dick for you to obsess over." I spat. I wasn't expecting what would came next.

Sky reached her hand up slapping my face hard. "How could you even say that? I loved you" she growled her tears evident.

Her tears soften my expression once again. I hated seeing her cry. "Sky" i breathed out. "I didn't mean that." I told her.

"Just go." She spat turning away from me. I looked down at my friend who was passed out cold on the couch. "I'll handle him" she assured me. "Just go." She choked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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