You and I

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Song for this chapter:Hozier~ work song.

Chres pov

I opened my eyes, the sun shining down on us perfectly causing me to tighten my grip around Morgan.

I looked down at her seeing she was still asleep, and for that I was grateful so I could appreciate this moment a little while longer.

"I haven't seen her this peaceful in a while." Veronica's voice startled me.

I looked over to see her standing in the door way... It was clear she had been watching us sleep. Creepy much?

"Sorry I don't mean to startle you." She mumbled. "You should come eat breakfast." She informed me.

"No th-" I began only to be cut off.

"you need to eat." She told me firmly before turning to leave back out of the room.

I laid there for a few more minutes not wanting to leave Morgan's side until I finally climbed out of bed.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth I pulled a tshirt over my head before making my way down the stairs.

"Goodmorning." I greeted shyly as I stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Goodmorning." John spoke not removing his eyes from his newspaper.

"Here." Veronica told me gesturing to the seat at the table where she just placed the plate down. "Coffee or juice?" She questioned.

"Water is fine." I told her.

She nodded as she headed back to the refrigerator.

"I'm going to take this up to Morgan." Veronica announced screwing the top of the cup on the smoothie.

"What's in that?" I questioned.

"Spinach, yogurt and a bunch of fruits and things." Veronica shrugged before making her way back up stairs.

I didn't realize how hungry I truly was until I bit into the bacon. I nearly let out a moan of satisfaction.

After finishing my plate I got seconds and thirds before I was finally fully.

"You have a big appetite." Veronica smiled slightly.

My cheeks reddened from embarrassment maybe starving my self all day yesterday wasn't the best idea.

"I enjoy your cooking." I told her. "Taste just like Morgan's." I pointed out.

Veronica chuckled. "Where do you think she learned from?"

I nodded in a knowingly matter. Oh course she learned from her mother.

"I had a thought." I said disturbing the silence in the kitchen.

"Care to share it with us?" Veronica questioned as she began the dishes.

"I'd like to take Morgan back to California with me." I said.

The plate from Veronica's hand dropped to the floor shattering completely. "Excuse me." She spat clearly took back by my words.

I swallowed hard as John sat his news paper down for the first time this morning.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?"Veronica snarled. It was clear her attitude was back.

"No." I choked out.

"What gives you the fucking right to come up in here suggesting shit." She called me out as she stepped closer... I was convinced she would hit me at any moment now.

John stood up standing in front of his wife as in attempt to calm her down.

"I want her back home, it's where she belongs." I said simply.

Veronica let out a crazed laugh "are you delusional?" She spat. "She hates your fucking guts." Veronica snarled causing my throat to tighten.

"We all know that's not true." I disagreed shaking my head.

"You broke her heart. " Veronica reminded me. "You cheated on her, you fell in love with another women." She continued. "You couldn't even be there for her when she was at her very worst." Veronica growled.

"I never meant to do any of those things. I fucked up I get it." I snapped back. "But I love Morgan, and that's a fact." I said truthfully no one could argue with that. "I want to be here for her, make up for the bad iv done if that's even possible." I explained.

The kitchen sat in silence for a while Veronica glaring at me in an uncomfortable state.

"what makes you think Morgan will even agree to this foolishness?" Veronica questioned.

I swallowed hard... She was right. What made me think that?

Then it hit me.

"Because she needs me just as much as I need her." I said finally speaking up. "No matter how bad I am for her, which may just be terribly bad... In the end our love is forever." I explained. "Always will be." I finished.

Veronica continued to stand there appalled.

"This is absurd!" She shouted throwing her hands up in frustration. "I don't care what any of you say Morgan isn't leaving this house and that's final. You'll be on that flight back by your damn self." She spat.

"With all due respect ma'am. "I began. "Morgan is grown and very capable of making her own decisions." I reminded her.

I find myself arguing with Veronica a lot about her trying to control Morgan's every move.. When will she let her grow up?

"If Morgan leaves this house with you that will be the end." Veronica spat. "At this point, it's me or you." She snarled.

I couldn't believe she was saying that right now.

"Veronica." Her husband called out. "Now you've taken that over the top." He chimed in.

"You're taking up for him?" She screamed.

"Hell no." John spat. "He's way out of line also but as for you claiming Morgan would have to chose is too much." He snapped. "Don't ever try to make her chose between him and us. We tried that before back when tried to get her to come back the first time and we see how that turned out." John spat knowingly speaking of the time Morgan lied saying her and I were dating before we even were.

"Making her chose, we'd loose her forever. And I personally cannot lose another kid." John finished. "She's all we have left." He choked out.

After the argument I made my way back upstairs where I found Morgan with her headphones stuffed into her ear.

"Music?" I questioned.

She pulled one of her head phone from her ear looking over at me.

"I heard my mom yelling... I didn't want to hear anymore." She admitted. "What was all the fuss about? Was she yelling at you or my father?" She questioned.

"It's not a big deal." I lied shrugging.

I climbed back into the bed with her taking hold of her phone. "Sam smith?" I questioned with a smile.

"Of course." She cheesed. "What better way to start my morning?" She laughed.

I glanced over at her taking in her beauty.. Although she has gone through all these changes I still somehow viewed her the very same way as before. She was truly a beauty.

"Remember we went to that concert?" I asked her.

"I could never forget." She smiled. "The best day of my entire life." She cooed before placing her head down onto my chest.

Seemed as if she missed me just as much as I missed her.

***woah this chapter was pretty long.

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