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I sat there on the edge of the bed in my father's home watching Morgan sleep. It's been hours since I let myself into her room.. I don't mean to be so creepy but being around her helps me function.

As I stared at her I couldn't help but take in her appearance, she laid there in a peaceful sleep as her small curls sat on her head, her hair was growing back, her nails returned to its original color and she was gaining her weight back.

She had finally finished her chemo thank god, now time for the easy part.

As I continued to stare at the love of my life her eyes fluttered open, once she saw me sitting in front of her she jumped a bit.

"Holy shit." She breathed out. "What the hell chresanto." She spat.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "Didn't mean to frighten you." I assured her.

"Yeah well you did." She shot back. "Why are you in here being weird." She questioned.

I didn't understand how it was weird just because I wanted to be near her.

"Where were you yesterday." I asked her, eager for answers.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned as she climbed out of the bed slipping into her house shoes.

"Yesterday, I know you had a doctors appointment but that was in the morning." I explained.

"Yeah so?" Morgan questioned confused as she went into the bathroom connected to her room.

"So I came by during my lunch break and you wasn't here." I pointed out as I trailed behind her like a puppy.

Morgan rolled her eyes as she ran water on her toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it.

"So where were you?" I questioned again

"Chresanto you are not my father, if I wanted to be controlled I could have stayed home with my parents." She spat.

"Just tell me." I urged.. I wasn't really sure why it was a big deal to me, but it was.

"Joanna and I went to the beach to watch the surfers." She told me.

"Surfers?" I questioned. "You must have went there just to see that damn professor." I spit.

"What?!" Morgan gasped. "You are ridiculous." She shouted.

"No you are. You think you're so slick." I told her surely.

"You're out of your damn mind." She spat before slamming the bathroom door in my face.

"Guilty much." I mumbled as I walked out of the room going downstairs.

"How'd you manage to piss her off so early."Joanna questioned as she walked down the stairs behind me.

"You heard that?" I questioned.

"I'm sure we all did." She shrugged.

"Morgan is being sneaky as hell, I don't like it." I admitted as I filled my cup with juice. "I know yall went to the beach yesterday just so she could she that damn professor."

Joanna let out an obnoxious chuckle. "You have got to be kidding me." Joanna questioned amusement clear in her voice.

I rolled my eyes as I drank from the cup.

"You're serious becoming that guy." Joanna told me.

"That guy?" I questioned.

"The out of his mind guy." She said. "You have officially gone nuts, you spend every single moment here just to watch her, you basically keep tabs on the women." Joanna pointed out.

"I don't see how that's crazy." I said shrugging.

She let out a deep breath. "Just Ease up on her dude." She warned me. "Besides, yall not even together." She mumbled as she reached for a Bagel.

"Fuck you." I spat as I knocked the bagel from her hand.

"Not cool!" She shouted as I headed out of the kitchen.

"Fucking idiot." I growled as I made my way out of the house.

Joanna is always putting her two cent somewhere... She doesn't know shit.

After work I made my way back to my father's house of course, because that's where Morgan was.

Once Morgan laid eyes on me she rolled her eyes.

"Still having a pissy fit?" I questioned as I took a seat next to her on the couch.

"I stayed in the house all damn day just so I wouldn't have to hear you complain." She growled.

I sighed.

"I'm not trying to keep you in a cage." I said truthfully... "I just can't help how protective Iv gotten." I admitted. "You have to understand how close I was to losing you, you have to know why I'm holding on to you so tight and don't want to let go." I explained.

Morgan's eyes softened as she sighed. "I know." She breathed out. "I know." She assured me.

I opened my arms allowing her to crawl into my lap laying on me.

"But the jealousy isn't necessary." Morgan told me. "I'll never want Trevor like how I want you." She told me causing my heart to grow heavy. "I love you chresanto, you are the only man I could ever love." She informed me.

God knows how badly I needed to hear that.

I wrapped my arms around her tighter before leaning her head up towards me kissing her soft lips. "You are so beautiful." I reminded her.

She smiled allowing her dimples to cave in I smiled in return as she laid her head back onto my shoulders...

No matter how much I hurt her, no matters how much I don't deserve her. Some how Morgan still is able to love me, I don't understand it but I am truly grateful.

"Our love is forever." I said... It's been so long since we've done this.

"Always will be." She finished..

I smiled with satisfaction... See Joanna doesn't know shit.

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