Sit Down, You're Rocking The Boat.

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Morgan Pov

I stared at The middle aged women who sat across from me on the other sofa. She used her free hand to tuck lose strands of hair behind her ear as her eyes focused on me. "Where would you like to begin?" She asked me.

I remained silent as i stared at the coffee table.

"Morgan..." My therapist breathed out. "Say something, anything." She begged.

I opened my mouth but my throat grew dry as I struggled for words... How could I possibly spill my life out to someone I don't even know?

"Morgan, would you say you're depressed?" She questioned.

My head shot up in her direction. "I am not depressed." I chuckled.

Her face remained serious as she stared at me. "You've been through a lot in the past few years... It would be understandable if you were." She continued.

"How do you know what Iv been through?" I shot.

"Noah filled me in." She informed me. "He's a good guy. Is he your boyfriend?" She questioned.

"What? No." I scoffed.

"Well everybody deserves a Noah in their life." She smiled.

I remained quiet looking back at the coffee table.

"Listen, you have to talk to me. " she stated. "If you don't want to do this for your self then don't... But please do it for Noah." She plead getting my full attention.

I looked back up into her eyes seeing her sincereness.

For Noah.

Just as I began to talk I was interrupted by the sound of the timer going off proving that our session was over.

"Don't mind that, this will be off the records." She said.

"I'm sorry, but I can't.. Not today I have to get to class." I told her standing up.

She sighed as she looked at me. "Okay, please stop by tomorrow." She told me as I headed for the door.

I gave her a fake smile before closing her door back.

I made my way up the hall eager to get far away from there.

"Morgan!" Noah called out.

I sighed turning around. "Hey." I told him.

He handed me a cup of coffee with a smile "so how was it?" He questioned.

"I feel like this is a waste of time." I admitted."how good could this lady possibly be, she's a therapist for a college for crying out loud." I scoffed.

"You can't make assumptions about her if you haven't even given her a chance." He shot.

"I have." I said in my defense.

"It's your first day!" Noah continued. He let out a breath of frustration "get your own coffee." He snapped before taking the cup of my hand growing annoyed with me. "Asshole." He hissed before sticking his tongue out and walking away from me.

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