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"Joanna what are you doing?" I questioned as I watched my sister move through my bedroom packing up anything of Morgan's. "What the fuck are you doing!" I shouted again.

"Just stop chresanto!" She spat. "You've hurt her enough. She wants to go back home." Joanna told me her tone calming down.

I shook my head in denial.

"Please, just let her go." Joanna begged.

I remained still as I continued to watch Joanna move throughout the room.

"I won't let her go." I said speaking up again. "She can't leave me... I'm sorry for what I did but I can't let her go." I stressed out.

Joanna sighed. "I'm afraid it isn't your call to make." She pointed out. "Trust me, I don't want her to go either." Joanna breathed out. "But she has to." She finished.

The room washed over with silence as I sat on the edge of our empty bed.

"If she want her things, let her come get them herself." I spat snatching the bag from her hand.

Joanna rolled her eyes. "Whatever chresanto." She growled.

I paid her no mind to her attitude.

"You're wasting your time sitting here trying to stop me from getting her things." She told me. "Because either way Morgan is going to be on that next plane back to Georgia." She assured me. "What you should be doing is driving over to that hotel getting on your hands and knees fucking begging her for forgiveness." Joanna spat. "Your priorities are fucked up."

It was clear I had pissed her off for hurting Morgan the way I did.

Sometimes I think she forget that I'm still her brother.

"She won't even talk to me." I choked out.

Joanna let out a breathe of frustration. "Honestly, I don't even blame her." She mumbled before dropping the clothes from her hand heading back out of the room.

I listened to her footsteps until I heard the front door shut.

She said Morgan needed to go home... I don't understand that, Because this is her home.


As I sat there with an half empty bottle of 1800 in my hand I couldn't help but wonder.

Wonder how did I let the best thing that's ever happened to me, walk right out of my life.

Iv hurt Morgan before, and she forgave me. What makes this time so different?

I just didn't understand it.

I tossed the bottle up more as I let the hot liquid roll down my throat leaving a burning feeling along the way.

As I sat there nearly out of my mind plotting ways to murder fucking Trevor and get away with suddenly I was hit with an epiphany.

It took me nearly 2 minutes to make it over to sky's apartment with my mind heavy of my sudden realization.

Before my brain could catch up with my body my hands was pounding on her door.

The moment the door flew open my hands laced around her neck causing a look of distraught to take over her.

"You fucking bitch!" I growled through gritted teeth. "How could you!" I screamed.

"C-chresanto." She choked out. "I can't breathe." She gasped.

I released her from my grip allowing her to fumbled to the floor. "You snake ass bitch! Why would you tell your brother about that." I question. "Huh?!" I shouted again.

She struggled to control her breathing.

"Answer me!" I shouted eager for an answer.

"I didn't." She choked out. "I didn't." She repeated.

"Yeah?" I scoffed. "Then explain to me how the fuck he showed up to the emergency room telling Morgan everything." I spat. "Explain that!" I shouted again.

Sky shook her head. "I'm sorry." She cried out.

Sorry? She's sorry?

"He was in the guest room the whole time, I should have told you. I just didn't want to ruin our moment." She explained.

"Ruin our moment?" I scoffed as An crazed laugh escaped my mouth.

"I'm sorry." Sky repeated in between sobs.

My heart beat was pounding so hard I couldn't even hear my own thoughts.

The sounds of her sobs cause my head to ring as the room felt like it was spinning.

I placed my two fingers on my temples as an attempt to make it stop. "Fuck." I breathed out as I glanced into the mirror near the door.

I couldn't even recognize the person in my reflection.

"What the hell is going on with me." I question as I stumbled back into the wall.

I looked back over at sky as she laid bent up on the floor.

"Sky." I breathed out. "I'm sorry." I stressed out as I reached over pulling her fragile body closer to me. "Come here." I said as she allowed her body to relax into my touch. "Shhh." I cooed as I allowed her to rest her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I repeated.


The moment her breathing grew heavier and her chest began to rise and fall in a perfect pattern I knew she had finally fell asleep.

I took that moment to pick her up into my arms taking her to the back placing her in the bed. As I pulled her cover over her I paused for a few seconds just to stare at her.

I didn't see her the same.

As I looked at this girl I wasn't sexually attracted to her anymore, those thoughts that I had before were completely gone now.

The only thing filled my mind was the pained look in Morgan's eyes as she laid in that hospital bed.

I guess that old saying is true, you never know what you have until it's gone.

Except, I knew all along what I had. I just misused it.

Earned it. (S.M.C Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now