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Song for this chapter: dancing in the sky~ Dani and lizzy

Chres pov

As I stood at the baggage claim searching for my luggage many thoughts rushed though my mind.

I hope to god that she's okay.

After spotting my luggage I made my way to the exit stepping out into the Georgia heat. I looked around in search of morgan's father finally spotting him leaned against his car.

He greeted me with a simple handshake before putting my bag into the car. "Let's get going." He said simply.

I got into the car uneasy. "Is Morgan dead?" I blurted out not letting my brain catch up to my mouth.

The car swerved a bit making it clear that question caught him off guard.

"God no." He breathed out. "What the hell." He snapped.

I relaxed a bit as I leaned back into the seat. "Sorry." I mumbled.

The rest of the car ride sat in silence.

Moments later we pulled up to a house which I guessed to be theirs.

It wasn't as big as mine, but it was big enough.

"Is she in there?" I questioned. My chest tightening as I looked up at the house.

"Yes." He told me. "I have a few things to tell you before we get inside."he admitted.

"As you already know my wife isn't happy about your visit." He explained. "She didn't see the purpose of it, but that's only her anger." He pointed out.

I nodded understandingly.

"Does Morgan know I'm here?" I questioned.

"No." He said truthfully... "She isn't so well." He told me causing my heart to drop to the pit of my stomach. "Seems as if she has stop fighting." He choked out. It was clear talking about this was hard for him.

"Why would she do that? Why would she stop fighting?" I questioned.

He remained quiet for a moment before looking back at me. "I thought about that long and hard and I realized that her brother is dead, she feels like you don't love her anymore and she's back here in Georgia the one place she hates the most. " he pointed out. "And that's how I came to my conclusion. She probably feel as if she has nothing left to fight for." He breathed out.

I stood there lost for words, I had to say something. Anything... But nothing could come out.

"I only called you here because honestly, we're not sure how much longer she has." He choked out. "I wanted you to Atleast be able to say goodbye." He told me.

My feet felt glued to the pavement as my throat grew dry.. Why is he talking so crazy?

"Lets get inside, it's going to be a storm." He informed me.

My legs felt like noodles as we approached the front door, we went inside and Veronica's eyes instantly locked on to mine.. Her eyes filled with many emotions. Hate, uncertainty and sympathy.

I ignored her gaze as I followed her father up the stairs we came to a halt in front of a closed door.

He looked over at me quickly. "Good luck." He said before walking back down the stairs leaving me at the door in a state of shock.

Finally I was able to twist the knob allowing myself inside.

My eyes fell onto Morgan as she laid there almost unrecognizable.

She laid there with a scarf on her head, it was clear she had gone completely bald. She had lost so much weight she was almost paper thin. Without a doubt she had definitely  gotten worst since she's been here.

My heart couldn't bear the pained look on her face as she slept.

I stood there for hours just looking at the love of my life lay on what could be her death bed.


"Could I get you anything to eat?" Veronica questioned as she peeked her head into the room.

"No." I told her simply keeping my eyes focused on Morgan.

I listened as the room door closed. It had gotten darker, im not sure what time it was because I'd have to actually take my eyes off her to look at my phone and that simply just wasn't going to happen.

The soothing sound of the rain drops hitting against the windshield in perfect pattern relaxed me slightly

Like expected the rain quickly got heavier as the storm got worst. I watched as Morgan's face grew uneasy as the first strike of lightening hit causing her eyes to pop open in distraught.

She was truly terrified of rain storms.

Her eyes opened wider in confusion as she saw me sitting in the chair at her desk.

"You're awake." I breathed out.

She continued to stare at me. "Chres" she choked out in a warn out tone. "Is that really you?" She questioned.

My heart grew heavy. "It's really me baby." I told her allowing the words to slip from my mouth.

She smiled weakly as her eyes closed then reopened. "Did you break in?" She questioned.

I chuckled. "No, I didn't break in." I told her.

She kept her weak smiled placed on her face. "It's good to see you." She smiled.

My heart warmed I couldn't believe the words coming from her mouth. Had she forgotten how bad I hurt her? How much I betrayed her?

The lightening continued causing Morgan's smile to disappear.

I thought back to how I used to calm her down during storms back in California.

"May I lay with you? Just until the storm stops." I questioned.

She remained quiet weighing her options, and as the storm grew louder she nodded giving me permission.

I slipped out of my shoes and jeans leaving me in basketball shorts and a tshirt without thinking I pulled my shirt over my head like usual as I walked closer to the bed.

Her eyes focused on my bare skin as I approached her.

"Do you mind?" I questioned.

She shook her head no as I sighed with relief.

I climbed into bed with her getting under the cover. I reached over moving her fragile body closer to mine causing her to be uneasy.

"Please Morgan." I begged. "Please relax."

After moments I watched as she closed her eyes allowing herself to relax into my touch like always. Her head laid in the crock of my neck while I used that opportunity to lace my arms around her waist in a comforting way.

I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling of having her in my arms again.

"I love you Morgan." I breathed out, the words feeling so causal. So perfect.

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