Back to old ways?

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"That's some fucked up shit man." Prod chuckled as he sipped from his cup.

"You don't think I know that?" I breathed out. I came all the way over here to get advice from an old friend. But after explaining my entire situation all he had to say was how fucked up it was. "Some help you are." I scoffed.

He broke out into a laugh. "This isn't doctor phill chres. You can't be bringing me all this sentimental shit hoping for advice." He pointed out. "Shit, I don't even know what love is!" He exclaimed.

I couldn't help but laugh.

He was right. When did I get so soft?

Morgan did this to me.

The pounding on the door caught both of our attention. He looked over at me slightly before reaching under the couch grabbing something shiny. "One second." He said dismissing himself.

I watched as he walked over to the door pulling it open.

"Have you forgotten how to pick up your fucking phone?" The dread headed boy snarled as he let himself into the house.

"Fuck is your problem banging on the door like that, you was 2 seconds from having a hot slug ripping through your head." Prod warned him.

"Fuck allat." The boy said waving his hand. "Shits getting real out here." The boy breathed out. "Omar got stabbed up last night and those fucking Latinos are saying it was us." The boy explained.

"That's bullshit." Prod breathed out. "Why would we be after Omar?!" Prod questioned, it clearly made no sense to him.

"First Rico now Omar. They saying we cleaning house." Omar informed him.

Prod shook his head.

"That's not all either." The boy chimed in. "Omar isn't even dead, he in recovery." The boy explained.

"He's probably plotting his revenge as we speak." Prod said knowingly. "Who could be out for blood for Omar?!" He question.

The boy  shrugged.

"Brandon." Prod said eyeing him. "Was it you?" He questioned.

"Man don't even try me with this shit!" Brandon exclaimed.

"I had to ask, you never liked him." Prod pointed out.

"I don't like a lot of people but you don't see me going around sending shit up do you?" The boy questioned. "And besides, if I was coming for Omar he wouldn't be in recovery right now. When I blow I don't miss." Brandon assured him.

Prod let out a breathe of frustration. "Fuck." He spat. "Find out where he hiding out at and go speak to him, let him know we aren't the ones who had him on a target." Prod demanded.

"Consider it done." Brandon shrugged. "What you need to do is stop trying to have a family reunion and figure out what we going to do about these sneak attacks." Brandon pointed out.

A sly chuckle escaped prod's mouth. "Family reunions." He chuckled glancing back at me. "Yo fuck you." He called out to the boy as the dread head stuck up his middle finger before leaving back out the door.

"Are you fucking serious?" I questioned. "You still out here doing that drug shit!" I exclaimed.

Prod rolled his eyes sighing.

"You said you don't deal no more!" I pointed out.

"I don't!" He responded. "This is different." Prod began. "A lot changed over the years man... I'm at the top of my food chain." He pointed out. "I don't have to deal or do anything really, I have people to do it for me." He explained.

"And that makes it better?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Yeah actually it does." Prod spat. "I got power man." He smiled. "You don't even understand how good it feels to be in charge of something, to have people looking to you like you're Jesus." He breathed out.

He's right. I didn't understand.

"Do as you please." I shrugged. "I'm out man." I growled before heading to the door.

"Whatever man." He said waving me off. "You came over here for advice though so I'll give you some." He began." What you need to do is stop acting like a little bitch and say fuck both them hoes, focus on yo money and go back to doing you!" He shouted as I walked out the door.

Go back to doing me? He means like how I was before I met Morgan, with all my hoes?

I couldn't even go back to that if I truly wanted to cause honestly I don't even remember how. 

Or do I?

Okay now I have a few things to say so stay with me here.

For starters I will not be able to keep uploading like this because it's my senior year of highschool, I gotta Make this last one count. I'll be a busy bee.

But if during the week I get a lot of feedback and votes I'll make it my duty to upload atleast twice a week.

And lastly do you guys like how I'm bringing prod back into the story.. Do you feel like I should talk more about his life.

Comment. Vote.

Much love

Earned it. (S.M.C Spinoff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora