Part 13

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I'm sorry if I'm not posting chapters at a consistent space, I've only started to be on WattPad a bit more recently so thank you for those who are still reading my posts. This one is a bit longer for you guys that still read this <3 It is also twice the amount I usually write and has 1050 words!  LUV U GUYS!!

I woke up next morning to find Gnar staring at me and Amumu. I looked around and rubbed my eyes and realized I was in Amumu's room. Gnar gave me a grin and I jumped right up.

"We only fell asleep that's it!!" I combed through my hair with my fingers and smoothed my clothes. Gnar only giggled and walked out.

"What's wrong Annie?" Amumu asked sleepily as he looked at the wide opened door.

"Who came in?" Amumu asked getting off the bed and fixing it up.

"Gnar did and I think he misunderstood us" I said with a slight blush to my face.

"O-oh" Amumu said and looked as his feet embarrassed. He scratched his head and said.

"W-well you look pretty with your hair down Annie." He said turning red.

"Thanks!" I said happily and gave Amumu a quick peck on the cheek. We fixed ourselves up and I tied my hair up into two buns as usual. We walked out to see a man with a helmet carrying a tray of freshly baked cookies. It smelled delicious and my stomach started to grumble.

"Hehe oops..." I flushed and Amumu laughed. Hearing him laugh is one of the best things I love about him. Because Amumu is usually sad he doesn't laugh much but I'm happy that I can make him feel happy.

It made me feel special when I'm around him. That's why I love him so much. The man stared at me and handed me a cookie.

"Here you go little girl." He smiled and patted my head.

"Thank you sir" I smiled and broke it in half to share it with Amumu. With that, the man walked away and as we watched from afar, he walked infront of one of the rooms and knocked.

A few moments later, a woman dressed in all yellow opened the door and she was stunning. She had long light brown hair and had a yellow sun dress. She looked at the man and happily took a cookie from his tray.

We watched the two happily chat and so we walked off to the dining area to have our breakfast. Katarina was already there when we arrived. Teemo was already up and about munching in his cereal.

Katarina saw us and waved to us. She wasn't armed up like she was when I saw her yesterday. This time, she was wearing a normal white t-shirt and shorts.

Although she has a scar on her face, she still looked really pretty especially her long red hair. We walked over them and Teemo smiled at us with his mouth full of cereal.

I giggled and used a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"You're such a fuzz ball" I and out the napkin back down. He chomped on his cereal and pat his stomach.

"I am a fuzz ball!" He replied and jumped in his seat.

"He's adorable" said Katarina picking up Teemo's hat. It was small and tiny I wanted to have one. The announcement came on and the lady speaking said.

"There will be 3 games today and if your name has been called out, please report to the 2nd hall." I was nervous so I held onto Amumu tightly.

"In the first game on the blue side, the names are:"
1: Pantheon - Top
2: Volibear - Jungle
3: Annie - Mid
4: Leona - Support
5: Jinx - ADC

On the purple side:"
1: Gnar - Too
2: Amumu- Jungle
3: Katarina - Mid
4: Lux - Support
5: Ezreal - ADC

Then the lady announced 20 other names for the next two games. I looked at Amumu wide-eyed. He had the same expression. My friends and the people I knew well were all on the other side.

That wasn't fair. I wanted to complain but as my first game, I didn't want to make someone upset or annoyed with me so I just went with it. Katarina looked at me and frowned.

We all walked to the 2nd Hall and there stood a woman pushing up her glasses. (not a champ) We were separated from each other to our groups. We were explained the objectives and they showed us how the map looks like.

We then each stood in our own pod like container. The woman wished us luck and light flash around me as well as everyone else. When I opened my eyes I was in an unfamiliar area.

I was standing on what looked like ancient writings and I looked around to see my teammates gathered around the table where the old man was holding weapons. Are they shopping...? What?

"You need to buy things to make yourself stronger to win the game" The man explained and he was the man who gave me cookies.

"I'm Pantheon" and I thanked him again for the cookie he gave me. I bought my first few items the walked down the middle lane.

Beside me were just tall trees and literally, the jungle.

"Thirty seconds until minions spawn" I heard the woman speak into the announcement. I saw Katarina opposite of my direction and she said.

"Good luck and have fun!" I nodded and smiled.

"You too" with that, I heard

"Minions has spawned" The minions gathered around in the lane and began to attack each other. I learned how to last hit so I auto'ed and threw some fireballs.

Just as we both hit level three, I stunned Katarina and threw a fireball at her.

With that, she threw a dagger and teleported to me to spin. I activated my molten shield to do damage as she attacked me and as we were rallying, we repeated the same combo and I used a summoner to ignite her as she did to me.

I watched my screen blur out while I watched Katarina fall to the ground. My ears felt rung and I heard vibrations as I heard the woman call out.

"First Blood!"

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