League of Legends (Story of Annie)

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I was born in a cottage made of straws and bricks. My name is Annie and I am 7. My best friend is called Tibbers. I found him in the forest when I was 2. People say I killed the bear while it was walking then put ancient magic so that I control him. I turned him into a doll so it would be easy for me to carry him around. Now I can summon my friend whenever I want. People call me 'The dark child' because I posses the power of fire. They think I am a curse for killing a gigantic bear at such a young age. Honestly, I think my powers are a gift. I try my best to be nice but I mostly mess up. How will my life go?

"We should send her somewhere else," My mother said as my father sipped his tea. I gasped as I peeked through the slightly opened door where light flew put into the dark hallway. I went back to my room and slumped into my chair.

"Tibbers... Mommy doesn't like me anymore!" I said and I sobbed onto the desk. Tibbers expanded and turned into a big fire bear and patted my head. He growled and whimpered.

"I'm sorry... I just thought that if I can't be a good girl to mommy..." I said and cut off as Tibbers said in my head.

"Then you can be a bad girl because that's what you are good at" Tibbers smiled as I rose from my desk. I smiled back and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks!" I then packed my bag ready for the next school day.

When I got to school, my friend Amumu came over to me.

"Annie?" He said and I just ignored him.

"Annie? What happened?" He asked and took my hand.

"Not right now Amumu. I have some bad things to do." I said twisting my hand free.

"What do you mean bad things to do?" Amumu said concerned. He stopped me and I glared at him.

"Let go or I'll burn you" I said and I grabbed his arm.

"Annie, I know you won't do that" Amumu said and I soften my grip on him.

"I'm sorry Amumu... I just don't know what to do!" I said and sobbed into my hands.

"You can tell me after you calm down" Amumu said and patted my head.

I will add more after a certain amount of comments or readers ;) thanks!

When I went arrived at the classroom, I sat down on my desk and found a piece of paper under my desk. I then opened it and read it.

"Hello Panda head, you should stop hanging out with Amumu because you are not worth his time..." I gripped the paper tightly and ripped it in half throwing it into the trash can. I sat down and waited for class to start. One of the girls, also known as Trissy came over and nudged my head.

"Oops now your hair is messy!" She squealed and laughed. I fixed my hair and touched her's by the ends.

"Your hair is so pretty! Maybe not anymore after I burn it!" I said and I clicked my fingers and immediately, her hair caught on fire. She screamed and jumped up and down.

"Put it out! Put it out!" She yelled and the fire alarm went off. It was ringing so loud my ears felt like it was going to burst. The teacher ran into the room and checked the hallway. She opened the door and evacuated everyone. I grunted and rolled my eyes.

"Teacher. Trissy's hair caught on fire. That's it. It isn't like the building is going to burn up." I said and groaned.

"Ms. Hastur! Even if there is a small fire, we must evacuate everybody!" The teacher said and lead us out into the courtyard. Everyone gathered there and sat for around 20 minutes. I sat there amused by everybody's panic. "This is fun!" I said to myself and laughed. I clicked my fingers again and a tree beside the high schoolers lit up.

The teacher backed them away immediately and picked up fire extinguishers. This is fun because no one knows about me and my magic. I like being bad. Amumu then sat down beside me staring at me.

"Why are you lighting things up Annie?" He whispered and looked worried.

"Because it's fun!" I said stretching my arms above my head. I looked to see where my doll Tibbers was and picked it up.

"Tibbers gave me the idea! Don't you think it's a great idea?" I said laughing while holding Tibbers up in the sky.

"Annie! Snap out of it!" Amumu said and grabbed my shoulders.

"If I can't do good, then I'll do bad. Besides, mom doesn't want me anymore!" I said and glared at Amumu.

"What do you mean your mother doesn't want you? She loves you!" Amumu said and looked up.

"I heard my parents talking about sending me away" I said and I lowered my head letting my hair cover my eyes.

I turned away and hugged Tibbers tightly. When one of the teachers came to me, she kneeled down and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Trissy said you burned her hair with a lighter." The teacher said and opened her palm as if she was telling me to give it to her.

"I don't have one." I said firmly and showed my hands towards her. She reached into my pocket and found nothing.

"Okay then, don't let me hear you going around and burning people's hair off." She said and stood up and walked back to where she came from. After that there was an announcement saying that it was safe to return back into the classroom. I went to my seat and looked at the clock.

"It's already time... Have we been out there for that long?" I packed my bag and walked out.

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