Part 10

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I'm sooooooo sorry guys I didn't have time to update this, I've been writing bit by bit but I never got the chance to really sit down and drown myself in this story. And I also had exams so here's the next part!

I know I am a dark child. I know I may seem really scary. And I even do hurt people sometimes but I would never imagine going into a
place where it's either kill or be killed. I don't like it and it scares me. At least I have Amumu with me... It would be my worst nightmare
if he ever left me. As Amumu and I slowly entered the League of Legends territory, I felt my legs shake as I proceeded to the giant metal
gates which seals us in from the outside world. I took a deep breath as the gates opened slowly. I felt Amumu's hand tighten and he looked at me.

"It's okay Annie, I'm here" he whispered and I nodded slowly. Behind the gates was a scene that was pitch black. I was really scared.
"Step inside" said a Noxian soldier. The moment I took a step forward with Amumu, a flash of light appeared and blinded us. When we opened our eyes, infront of us was a huge garden. Small paths leading to different areas. Bright yellow flower patches and there were many more colours. The apples on the trees looked lively and well taken care of. There was only one word for it. Beautiful. We stared at the garden in awe. Suddenly I felt the fear wash away and replaced it with absolute delight and positivity.
"what's this feeling?" I asked Amumu as I clutched my chest.
"I don't know...I feel it too and it makes me want to stop crying forever." I stared at him like he was talking crazy. He gave me a 'what? It's true!' Look. We looked to see a lady with blonde hair sitting on a bench with a book in her hand. She looked really happy sitting there and whatever she was reading made me feel like she was creepy. It's probably just me since I'm always the scary one. Heehee. The blonde lady looked up as she saw a blonde man walk up towards her.

"Is it me or is that a little bit too much blonde here?" I whispered to Amumu. Amumu just shrugged and we proceeded to the entrance of a gigantic hall. When we went inside, all around us was filled with televisions showing the arena. One thing caught my eye. Playing on the purple side was a man with two axes. He was creepy and scary...
"Amumu do you see the creepy guy with huge axes?" I tugged on Amumu.
"Which one? The one that's cutting people in half?" Amumu made a disgusted sound.
"Nonono the crazy one that's swinging his axes" I said pointing.
"Oh him! That's crazy. What if he cuts himself?" Right at that moment, a lady with blue hair said something.
"BYE BYE!" And she fired a gigantic rocket and it hit the man with a large 'BOOM!' Then we heard a female voice announce.
"Purple team aced!" We heard a few more voices down in the hall cheering. There was one that was small like Amumu. 'Another yordle?' I thought. It had cute small ears, a cute little hat and it was holding a bamboo stick. It was jumping up and down with happiness.
"Yay! Yay! They did it! They did it!" it squeaked in its little voice. It's ears wiggled a bit and laughed as another yordle came along and bounced towards it.

We were slowly walking towards them. The yordle was holding bombs in his hands and another one on his back. As it came in sight. I screamed.
"OH MY GOD HE'S HOLDING BOMBS. EVERYONE RUN!" I was about to pull Amumu as the little bamboo yordle took my hand.
"Hello Ms. Panda lady" he said and smiled sweetly at me.
"He's harmless trust me. I'm Teemo by the way and he is Ziggs." He said and stated shaking my hand. I shook back.
"I'm Annie and this is Amumu." They looked at Amumu in awe.
"Is he a mummy is he a mummy???" They both jumped up and down.
"Yes yes he is." I said and chuckled at the two energetic yordles. Me and Amumu chucked at their conversations as we held each other's hand. We then heard another energetic voice but this time, it was a lady. It was the same blonde lady.
"Where were you two! Teemo you know better than to sneak out of the house with Ziggs especially when Ezreal and I were in the garden!" The lady scolded the two yordles.
"I'm sorry Ms. Lux" they said in unison and looked at the floor. Ezreal was rubbing his head and laughed a bit.
"Ezreal what's so funny!" Lux said and she was flustered.
"Okay okay I'm sorry baby, I love you" he said and pulled Lux into a kiss. Amumu and I blushed as Teemo and Ziggs cheered.
"You're too soft on them Ez." They then saw us and quickly broke apart.
"So who are you little fellas?" The man said.
"I'm Annie and this is Amumu. We just arrived here today." I said looking at the man.
"Well nice to meet you, I'm Ezreal and this is my girlfriend Lux" he replied. Lux looked at me and suddenly burst into hyperness.

"I've read about you before but I never thought I would see you in person" Lux then calmed down and smiled at me.
"Well, let's get them to their rooms." Ezreal said.
"Wait wait....rooms? ROOMSSSSS?" Amumu said and emphasised the 's'

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