Part 15

375 7 8

I've been gone forever but I got people asking for more and soooooo after a long time here's more ^_^

Recap of the teams:

1: Pantheon - Top
2: Volibear - Jungle
3: Annie - Mid
4: Leona - Support
5: Jinx - ADC

On the purple side:"
1: Gnar - Too
2: Amumu- Jungle
3: Katarina - Mid
4: Lux - Support
5: Ezreal - ADC

I looked at my score board that was digitally above the rift and read the numbers,

"1/0/1.... and the assist was from Amumu" I frowned then quickly regained my posture as I walked to the shopkeeper.

I looked at what was recommended and bought a large wand.

"This is called the needlessly large wand" the shopkeeper told me". I giggles at the name because it was indeed long for no reason.

I bought 2 cookies (which actually tastes pretty good) then walked out of the fountain.

After slowly skipping my way back to my lane, Katarina was already last hitting the minions but since I have a longer range auto attacks and abilities, I decided to poke her and farm at the same time because why not?

As she takes damage her health lowers slowly and is forced to back without being able to touch more of the minions.

As she recalls, I slowly walk towards the minions and the moment I stack up on my pyromania I flash and summon my dear Tibbers.

"Tibbers! Get her!" She gets stunned and I incinerate her with my q and disintegrate her with my w.

She doesn't die and so she flashes away near her tower and starts to recall again.

"Damn so close" I heard Volibear say and he smiles at me while he points to a glowing blue golem.

"Want it? It helps regenerate your mana and gives you less cool down" I nodded eagerly wanting to see how that works.

I slowly auto attack the blue creature and incinerate it with my Q.

I walk back into lane and slowly farm up again, then I slowly look at me score.

"90 cs in 20 minutes... I need to work on farming better" I then focused more on last hitting the minions with my Q because it resets as they die.

At the corner of my eye I see Katarina walk back down to lane. I check her items and it shows that she has a magical cloak.

Hmmm I wonder what that does. Maybe it gives her invisibility? Oh god I hope not...

I stopped thinking to myself the moment a dagger hits me as she starts to only poke me with her Q (dagger)

As she walks nearer to me, I quickly stun her with my Q (incinerate) and W by scattering my flames.

The moment she was off my stun she quickly throws a dagger at me and shumpo's on to me immediately.

The next few moments passed as a blur as I squinted my eyes from the pain of her whirling daggers.

Every cut hurt but I had to hang on tight and stand my ground as I fire balled her the moment the cool down finished.

To the side of my eyes I see Amumu coming in. I quickly back off but his bandages grab me and holds me where I am as he dashes towards me.

He stands there for a moment as I start to tear up because I felt betrayed. I knew it was just a game.

But it doesn't change the fact that I have to hurt Amumu or he has to hurt me even though we loved each other so much.

As I stare at his face and looked into his eyes I caught his lips mouthing,

I'm sorry

The next thing I knew, Katarina throws a dagger at me and spins once with her knives. Instantly, I fall down on the cold ground and everything darkens.

Next moment, I recall and every part that hurt disappeared. A tear pricks my eyes and I wipe it away quickly.

"Does it hurt Annie? Don't worry you'll get used to it!" Leona says cheerfully. It wasn't the pain that made me cry it was Amumu... But I couldn't talk about that now, I didn't want to worry her nor would I want to take time off by explaining.

"Thanks Leona" I give her the best smile and Pantheon arrives at the fountain just in time.

"I'll bake you cookies after!" I giggle at the silliness at the man but I shook my head and said my thanks again.

As I walk back into lane Amumu was still at mid lane as he slowly taxed Katarina a little and pushes the lane.

He looks at me and in his eyes I could see he was apologising but I turned my head to the side and pretended not to see him.

At the corner of my eye I could see him walk back into the jungle sadly and I watched him disappear into the dark bushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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