Part 14

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Recap of the teams:

1: Pantheon - Top
2: Volibear - Jungle
3: Annie - Mid
4: Leona - Support
5: Jinx - ADC

On the purple side:"
1: Gnar - Too
2: Amumu- Jungle
3: Katarina - Mid
4: Lux - Support
5: Ezreal - ADC

Enjoy :D

My vision was hazed, everything was blurred. Everything happened so fast. I held onto the turret for support.

Is this how dying feels like?

"Go back to base Annie" I heard Volibear telling me as he covers for me at my lane. I looked up to the sky and blue light enveloped me.

It felt warm and gentle. A few seconds later, I was back at where the old man sold me my items.

"Good job out there little lady!" He said with a smile. I slowly felt much better. My headache was gone and I felt refreshed.

"How much gold did you receive?" He asked trying to peek into my pouch. I opened it and looked inside it.

"I have enough for an amplifying tone" (a book basically to people who don't know)

I handed in my coins and he passed me a book. It turned into a miniature size before entering my hands. I jumped back in shock and the man laughed.

"Don't worry it's only there temporarily. It will be gone the moment the game is done"

I nodded my head in thanks and walked back into my lane. Katarina was already there slashing at minions.

To be honest, I thought it was pretty cruel but then again, I burn them so it doesn't really matter.

My creep score was 50 at 12 minutes. Not good enough, I thought to myself. I concentrated on farming until I saw a dagger flying my way.

If this is real life, I would have stepped to the side and watched it fly off but is is a game and I know Katarina's daggers would ALWAYS hit me so I fired balled a minion to get my pyromania (Annie's stun)

As soon as she jumped on me, I scattered my flames stunning her at the spot.

I activated my shield and walked off to farm further away from her. As soon as I got my stun next, I called for Tibbers.

"Get em Tibbers!" I stunned Katarina where she was standing and threw a fireball at her.

As soon as it hit, I scattered my flames once more placing my ignite on her.

She was extremely low but as soon as I was going to auto attack her once more to her death, bandages wrapped around my waist and stunned me where I was.

Katarina flashed away to her tower and Amumu stood in front of me.

"I was going to get her!!!" I whined and Amumu looked apologetic.

"Sorry but I have to help my team" all my abilities were on cool down so I have no choice but to back off.

However, Amumu was persistent and every tear he shed hurt. (If you know what I mean)

Just as Amumu was about to snare me with his curse of the sad mummy, Volibear charged into flip Amumu and slowed him.

As I watched the horrifying scene, I watched Volibear bite down Amumu as his roar echoed.

There was thunder and I shut my eyes and started to recall.

"An enemy has been slain" I heard as I opened my eyes to find Amumu lying on the ground unconscious.

I wanted to cry, I can't watch Amumu die and I couldn't bear the fact I would have to watch again some other time.

I knew Amumu isn't actually dead but watching him hurt me.

Amumu's body disappeared and Katarina was at her turret back with full health waiting for the next round.

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