Part 4

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My parents looked more happy then when I was first here. I smiled at the thought that the atmosphere here was warm. Warmer than any other times that I have felt. Everyone deserves love. No matter how different you are with other people, just remember. Your family will always love you no matter what.

That night, I had a great dinner. I owe Amumu BIG TIME!

"I'm gonna thank Amumu the first thing in the morning tomorrow" I said happily as Tibbers sat next to my pillow just as I slowly slipped under my blanket and dozed off slowly thinking about Amumu.

-next day-

I woke up with a big smile on my face. I fixed up my hair in two buns and grabbed Tibbers. I ran out of my room and swinged on my panda bag (my favourite btw) and ran out of the house as my mother called out to me.

"Sweetie where are you going?" I could hear her voice in the distance.

"AMUMU!" I shouted back and giggled as I ran. When I got there, I rung the door bell. A few moments later, Amumu's mother came out and said.

"Oh hello there Annie, what's up today?"

"I um..I wanted to see A-Amumu..." I said and suddenly my face felt warm.

"I see!" Amumu's mother said happily as she clasped her hands together.

"Well he's upstairs in his room" she said as she let me in.

I walked up the stairs as I talked to myself.

"Howdy Amumu! No... Too weird...Hm... hey there buddy!...too casual..." As I arrived at his room door, Amumu just opened his room door.

"oh!" We said at the same time. I thought of the greetings I said earlier and laughed.

"Oh what the hell!" I said and hugged Amumu. When we parted, Amumu's face was flushed and my heart skipped a beat. He's so cute... I shook my head and felt my face warm up.

"Uh...I you have any..cookies?" I asked hesitantly. Amumu smiled and asked.

"Is that what you came here for?" I looked at the ground and kicked my heels.

"N-no... I jus want to s-say t-thank y-you" I said as I stumbled finding the right words to say.

Amumu gave me a big smile and kissed me. Surprised, I jerked my head and put my hand to my mouth.

"Amumu? Are you alright?" I asked weirdly.

Amumu didnt answer but he suddenly collapsed to the floor breathing heavily.

"Amumu?!" I shouted and felt I'd forehead. He's burning up! I ran downstairs and called Amumu's mother.

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