Auto Shop

151 23 5

*Not Edited*

The auto shop that Yuca worked at was a typical garage style establishment. From across the street I could see the small office that was off on the right side with an old sign that said J&J Auto Repair and I knew I was in the right place. Next to the office on the left was three garage doors both wide open with vehicles inside. The shop was old, but I'm sure it served its purpose. I could see bodies moving around inside the garage, but I couldn't tell who they were and I hoped Yuca was still here.

I crossed the street and walked slowly to the far left side of one of the open garage doors to take a peek inside to find Yuca. The music was playing loudly with a Spanish love song blasting from some old school radio.

"After today I am never going to listen to love songs again." The voice sounded from an older guy. "So help me God, this will be the last time you pick the playlist for the work day."

"I feel more feminine by the minute listening to this shit." Said another voice, but it came from someone who was closer in my age.

"That's because you are feminine." I heard Yuca laugh.

"Shut up." The young guy said.

"Both of you need to listen to more love songs." Yuca said from under a car, I think. "Maybe then you would get laid."

"Bro, I don't need help in that department." The young guy said. "I got the ladies lining up to spend the night with me."

From what I could tell, it was three guys in the shop.

"Lining up to spend the night with you or lining up to put a restraining order on you?" Yuca asked.

"That was one time bro. One time." I heard the young one slide out from under a car. "You will never let me forget that, will you?"

"Nope." I heard Yuca laugh.


"Why don't both of you young punks shut the fuck up." The older guy demanded. "If I didn't know any better I would think that our little Yuca dude is in love."

Silence. I stayed quiet too because I wanted to hear Yuca's answer, but he didn't deny nor confirm.

"Yo he is so fucking whooped!" Younger guy shouted.

"I'm not whooped." Yuca replied.

"You shut the fuck up Diego." Said the older guy. "You ain't whooped because no girl wants your ass."

"Ouch Jerry. That hurt my feelings."

"I'm gonna hurt more than your feelings if you don't get back to work."

"Yes, Captain Crunch. I'm taking out the trash right now."

I heard the guy Diego shuffle around some trash bags and I knew he was going to be coming out of the garage door. So I pretended that I was just walking up to the garage when he walked out of the bay door. When he saw me I knew I startled him. I'm sure he wasn't expecting anyone to be standing there.

"Excuse me, but do you know if Yuca works here?" I put on my sweetest most innocent smile on. Works for me every time.

"Uhh, yeah." He cleared his throat and shook his head. His expression went from nervous to confident faster than I had ever seen. "What's your name sweet thang?"

"Isabel. Nice to meet you." I reached out to shake his hand.

"Diego. Let me call him for you. Follow me." He smiled mischievously at me then turned towards inside the garage. I knew he was going to have fun with this.

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