Chapter 5

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It's been a while since my last update, plus I just felt like I needed to update, so that's why this is a filler. I promise the next chapter will be better


Vic offers to drive me home.

"Yeah no." I say with a shake of my head. I would love to accept the offer, but Gerard would notice right away, considering he must be home already. "Gerard will notice. Thanks anyway."

"Not a problem, anytime." Vic shrugs and leads me out the door. I have all my things and it's dark out. Time flew by much too fast. He's actually really cool and it's nice to get out of the house.

"So are you going to just take a taxi?" Vic asks me once we've reached the gate.

I nod, "Probably."

"If you don't catch one, call me and I'll drive you." Vic offers again.

"Oh no really it's-"

"Don't argue." Vic interrupts, "Because then you'll have to take a bus and I don't want you waiting around anywhere sketchy because weird as fuck things can happen."

"Oh. Right." I nod. That's true. It's risky taking the bus at night, especially if I end up somewhere sketchy. I usually keep to myself, I try to stay out of people's sight, but isn't that how it always is?

"So just call me if anything kay?" Vic says and I nod.

"Kay." Vic nods and opens the gate with a few taps on the small keypad beside it. I step through the gate and wave to him. He waves back before I move along, not wanting to outstay my welcome.

I take my phone out of my pocket and decide to just call a taxi. That's way easier. I may be waiting on the curb for a little bit, but I did bring my laptop with me, so it's not like I don't have anything to do while waiting.

After I've called the taxi and am told that I have a 20 minute wait, I sit down on the sidewalk and pull out my laptop. I haven't written anything all day. Normally, I write everyday. It's my routine, my way of living. But not today. Vic changed my routine.

I kinda like it.

I open up a random document and start typing. It's much darker out then it was recently and the only light I have is from the street lamps and my laptop. It's also very quiet, the occasional dog barking in the distance and the screech of tires breaking the steady calm.

I'm told I type really quietly. I don't know what it is, but people are always asking me if I'm actually typing. Lynn, on the other hand, is told that she types very loudly, almost angrily, but that's the way she types. It's odd really. I always wonder what's the reasoning behind that, but I doubt there's any.

A car pulls up along the curb, and I look up to see that it's the taxi. I save the document, closing the laptop and shoving it into my bag, and then I hop into the back seat after opening the door.

The driver takes me back home, but he drops me off three houses down from mine. That's what I requested, because I really don't want Gerard to be on my ass about this. I pay him and get out. He drives away and I walk back home.

Once I'm at the house, I carefully sneak around the house. I'll go through the back door. Gerard might not even be downstairs, he might be asleep. Or better yet, he might not even be in the house at all and I'll be 100% safe.

I take out my keys from my pocket once I successfully reach the back door. I unlock the door and quietly push it open. I poke my head into the house, looking around, trying to find any signs of Gerard. I don't hear him, or see him, so I carefully step inside, holding my breath.

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