Chapter 12

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I'm sorry for the long wait, I've just been really busy and demotivated. It also turned out to be a really long chapter, sorry


It's between Amber Winspeare and Kali Boston. Vic and I have been brainstorming names for about half an hour, and me being absolutely picky about names (since mine is already weird), it was kind of difficult coming up with one at all. Not to mention I'm still iffy about this whole thing.

"Kali is easier to remember since your name starts with a K anyways." Vic tells me. We haven't come up with any back stories yet, Vic said to leave that till after a name.

"Right, but Amber is more of a common name."

"Common names are boring." Vic says.

"I wish I had a common name." I mumble. It would be much easier that way. I wouldn't have people questioning how my name is pronounced or asking why in the world I'm named Kellin. Don't ask me people, I don't know.

But in all honesty, I do like Kali. It's cute and to the point, and the last name is simpler than Winspeare. I understand what Vic's saying about it being easier to remember.

"Okay," I say, "Here's the thing. Amber is a pretty name, but the last name is too difficult. Kali Boston is simpler and easier to pronounce. Though the first name isn't as common, the whole name itself is. So..."

"So what you're saying is that you like that name?" Vic asks, clearly pointing out that I should clarify.

I nod, "Yes. I do actually." I can get used to being called Kali occasionally. It's not too far from my name that if someone were to say it, I wouldn't respond.

"So we're going with Kali Boston. What's her backstory then?" Vic asks in a thoughtful tone. I think, coming up with a few things to throw down on the table.

"Art major at a college?" Vic suggests first.

"I can't draw for shit, so I wouldn't be able to give proof." That's only a half lie. I used to be really good at art in middle school, but once I found my passion in writing, art faded into the background and only ever makes an appearance in my science notes.

"Alright, so that's off the list."

"Also, nothing to do with sports please because I suck." That isn't a lie at all. I played soccer in 8th grade and the team all agreed to have me sit on the bench the whole time. Not a good thing.

Vic laughs lightly, "I'm sure you're not that bad."

I shake my head vigorously, "You do not want to see me playing a sport okay. Just no."

Vic shrugs, looking unconvinced on the matter. Who does he think I am? I will never play another sport again even if my life depends on it. No fucking way.

"What about she's a senior in high school who can't do anything entirely special?" I suggest jokingly. I mean, it's actually an alright idea.

"You mean like yourself?"

"Well yeah I- Hey! I can do things." I say defensively, glaring at him. Though, my glare seems to be weak because he just smirks.

"Sure." He says and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Vic just laughs and I'm pretty sure he can tell I'm kidding. In all seriousness though, I think I could probably relate to the senior in high school thing.

"Her being a senior in high school isn't a bad idea." I say to Vic and he nods.

"I suppose. I mean, we're not that far in age at all anyways, so it works. Plus, seeing as you can't act, this will be easier for you."

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