Chapter 1

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Hey guys ! This is my first book and I really hope you enjoy it. These are fictional characters and some incidents are true but nothing is copied. Please do not publish this through other media and I promise to update whenever I can and I assure you that this book will be a good read!!!! Please don't be a silent reader and do comment and tell me about the story. Also forgive me for any grammatical errors. Once the book is done I will try to edit it.


"Come down India,it's getting late for Dr Ebenezer's funeral. We don't want to be late for it."

Though I hear my mom calling out for me, I choose to ignore and dress up slowly as I'm half asleep. The man was loved and he's deeply missed now but why did he have to die on a Sunday.

"I'm coming mom, I'm almost ready"
I call out to my mom who's losing her patience waiting for me.

I fit into my tight fit black dress which stops a little above the knees and slip into my high silver coated heels and grab my iPhone from my bed and slowly make my way down.

Dr Ebenezer, one of our loved neighbors because  he always babysat kids in our neighborhood  while parents were out working. He was a ex-service man. His demise did hit the neighborhood hard. He was a very sweet man and was loved by all the kids. 

After about a 20 minute drive to the place. We take our seats and listen to the speeches. I zone myself out as I'm not very  strong to bear such boring long speeches. My phone vibrates and I open it to see who it is from. It's from Alex , my super cool cheerleader friend.

Hey India, wanted to know if you're free this noon, second semester starts tomorrow and I want to go shopping.

I don't doubt less of my friend , I remove myself from my seat and walk towards the side to reply to her text as I know my mom will get irritated to see me text in a funeral.

Hey Alex , sure babe , I'm in a funeral will meet you in the mall at 2.

I turn around to go back to my place with my eyes glued to my phone as I check my other notifications when I bump into someone hard and i forget where I am for a second. After rubbing my head I open my eyes to see a tall, thin guy with black eyes staring right into mine. I stand there looking at him and regaining my balance.

"I...I..m sorry ...?" The guy stammers still staring into my eyes.

"It's okie ..I'm sorry too. I should have been looking where I was going." I reply back and heading to my seat.

"Hey , you look new. Have I seen you before ? And I'm sorry about that again." He says without taking his eyes from me.

"Ummm...hey! I'm India. You are ?"

"I'm Jackson , Dr Ebenezer's  grandson" he responds.

I have never seen him around the neighborhood and stand there thinking for a few seconds and break out my trance realizing I have to reply as he's looking at me.

"Oh  I'm so sorry Jackson...well I better get back to my seat. My mom will start to worry if I'm missing. See you around" with that I walk off.

I'm not really a good person when it comes to such situations .

Jackson's POV
Boooom! Is all I feel before hitting someone and I open my eyes and steady myself to see who it is. When I open my eyes , my  eyes meet the most beautiful hazel brown eyes I've seen in my life and dark brown hair with golden blonde streaks and it falls on her shoulders in small curls. She's not as tall as me but with her heels she reached upto  my shoulder. I'm lost for words and I start to stammer .

She doesn't give me much time before our small conversation ends and she walks off abruptly . But her image is still vivid in my eyes. I stand there for a while even after she walks away taking in those beautiful round eyes that were staring at me a while ago. I recollect myself before I walk off to take care of the other arrangements in my grandpa's funeral.

I don't necessarily feel sad that he passed away. He lived a great life and was loved by all. I surely will miss him but I know he's watching me and he will always be my favorite grandpa.

This is just the beginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora