Chapter 25

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Author's note:
I would like to apologize for a horrible mistake I did in the previous chapter, instead of July 4th,I had typed 5th of July.

Sorry guys, as you know I type and upload through my phone. I am really sorry for that mistake.

We all know that bonfire night is on the 4th of July.

Enjoy reading! Please bare with my errors.

Thanks a ton!


Alex is surely lucky to have such a romantic proposal with all her friends present too. They sure do make a cute couple. She really deserves the best. I still can't take the smile off my face. I am so happy for her and Blake. I guess Blake finally found the one after dating so much.

I get ready for work and grab a sandwich on the way.

Today is an important day. Olivia told the couple are meeting us to finalize the things and see what we've picked up for them in person.

I park my car and walk towards Jake's house. The rose bushes lighten my mood. The fresh summer air tickles me as it brushes against my cheeks. I wish it was summer everyday of the year.

I greet Mr Richardson, Jake's father on the way. He's such a nice man.

Seeing him, I miss my father. I don't even know where he is. I feel so ashamed that I don't even know where I'm heading and bump into Jake.

"Good morning India? You okay?"he says steadying me.

"I'm fine. Sorry about that!" I apologize as I straighten myself and move away from his hold.

"Okay ! Whatever you say!" He chuckles.

"I guess you seem to be lost in your own thoughts,I'll see you  later?" He questions me.

"You definitely will Jake!" I smile and walk past him to Olivia's office.

She gets all the designs ready so we can show the couple when they arrive.

"India, we will meet the couple in the living room. They're good friends of mine. I don't want to see them in the office even if it's professional. You can have a break an ill give you a call when they arrive." She says before leaving.

I nod in agreement and take my bag and leave behind her.

What can I do in Jake's house?

I don't know if I should search for Jake. He will be in his room but will he like me coming to his room?

Hopelessly I wander around the house and finally come to a room with a football team poster on the door. It definitely must be his room.

Should I knock?

Or should I just turn and leave?

Some girls will be dying to go to his room now if they were in my place?

But they are crazy about this jock?

I'm not or am I?

I don't know what to decide but I end up knocking anyways.

This is just the beginningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن