Chapter 30

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I put my hair into a bun and grab my phone before I plop down on my bed. I had such a wonderful lunch with Jake today. The circus acts were amazing.

Thanks for a wonderful day Jake!
*_* -India

I snuggle in my bed with all the cushions around me and my phone vibrates.

Anytime princess! So we still have 20 questions to complete....your favorite book?

'The notebook' by Nicholas Sparks. My turn - favorite location ?

Umm..well I have quite a few but I Guess the beach tops the list.
So what's your fav place ?

I love roof tops, I don't know if that sound weird does it? :O

Haha...! Nope! We all descend from monkeys. :P so why do you like the roof top?

Two questions in a row captain ^~^ but anyways, I love it cause you will feel like your on the top of world, silence and the sky and the stars,just all to yourself.

You sure do watch a lot of romance :P  Now your turn Ma'am?

Well, your most embarrassing moment ever ? Hehehe

Ha...probably in my middle school, this girl liked me and she kind of asked me out and I turned her down. She was a pretty blonde. And do you know why I turned her down? Well it was cause I didn't know what a date was then. -_-

Hahahahaha...thanks for the hearty laugh mate! :D

Haha ! Very funny! My turn princess! Your fav cartoon character?

Ben10 or tweety! Infact all the Disney characters!

Ben 10 really? But why? -Jake

Cute guy, isn't he a cutie pie? I used to watch his show just to see him irrespective of the story. **_**

Wow! Just wow! LOL - Jake

Well, I am sleepy captain boy! Good night Jake Vance.

Good night Ms india ----wait what's your surname?

Lol! India Sawyer.

okay Ms India Sawyer. Good night :)


Jake's POV:

I planned the day very carefully so India can forget the events of yesterday. There was a new circus in the nearby town and I thought she might like it and as I guessed. She loved it.

Alex helped me with the lunch. She told me that India loves taco's. And so she did. She may look perfect but she does eat a lot. Somehow I find that cute in her. Because not a lot of girls eat like that, being the captain and with all those girls hitting on me, they're are very choosy with their food habits. But India was different, a unique kind.

It was nice to see her happy rather than in deep thoughts.

She was a mystery I was willing to unravel.

I wanted to know more about her every time I spent time with her.
The story behind her every emotion and the story behind every blink of those beautiful, round eyes.

The day she left my house in a hurry after seeing her mom and her dad to be. There was this new India I saw. A person I'm still yet to picture clearly. A person who was hurt, disappointed, and most of all with a lot of secrets she wish she could speak about.

And a weird thing happened at taco's. I over heard this convo in the restroom and somehow that seems to be disturbing. It's like I found a piece of a puzzle that's too dangerous to finish but still I want to try.

Oh well,it's been a long night and my pillow calls me. With thoughts wandering in my mind, I let sleep take me to my heaven.

Author's note:

Hope you Enjoy reading!

Please ignore my grammatical and spelling errors and once the story is done, it will be edited.

Don't be a silent reader.

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And the story is coming to an end.

So stay tuned to see how everything falls together.


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