Chapter 24

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It's almost 7pm and me and Alex are getting ready for the dinner party at Alex's house. I curl Alex's hair as she wears her shimmery red studs.

Alex looks really pretty today as the dress hugs her curves well and the curls beautifully settle on her shoulder.

I straighten my hair and wear a poof.
I put on my white studs along with the pearl necklace that my grandmother gifted me for my 16th birthday.

My dad's parents passed away when he was young so I never got a chance to meet my paternal grandparents.

But my maternal grandparents were always there for me and never made me miss a moment with them.

We get into Alex's beetle and drive to the place. It's a beautiful Italian place.  Alex and I love Italian cuisine. Her parents take us out for dinner once in a while and they always take us to this place called 'Italica',beautiful ambience and the food is amazing.

We reach the place and it's beautifully lighted with big chandeliers hanging up from the false ceiling. I spot Jake and Blake near the driveway probably waiting for us. We give the car for valet parking and enter with them.

Blake and Jake look like brothers with their black suits and their hairs neatly  combed. They really did go all the way to make this Italian dinner realistic.

The only difference was that Jake had blue eyes and dark brown hair whereas Blake  had blonde hair with green eyes.

We greet Christopher,Nichole and zack on the way to our seats.  They're best buddies of Jake and Blake. Christopher lives next door to me so I know him well out of the three.

Jake sits opposite to me with Alex beside me. Blake obviously takes the seat next to Alex. Zack and Nichole sit next to Jake with Christopher on my other side.

A neatly dressed waiter in black comes to take our orders.

We give our orders and while we wait for the orders to arrive,Blake takes us to see the fireworks. It's not even the 5th of July.

The fireworks are beautiful but Blake gets our attention,he walks Alex to the middle and positions her in the middle right below a beautiful tent and a group of musicians next to it start playing a romantic tune.
Jake gestures me and the others to stand around the tent. It's beautifully lighted. Just then I see Jake giving me a wide smile.

The tent is decorated in white and pink and the sky is beautifully lighted by the fireworks.

Blake lightly kisses Alex's forehead and kneels down before her. Alex is lost for words by the looks on her face. She stands there taking in everything.

Blake takes a small box from his pocket and opens it to Alex. He takes the diamond ring from the box and takes a deep breathe.

"Alex, I have only known you for a few months but it seems like a lifetime. I don't know if words are enough to tell how much I love you. You're my friend,parent and partner for life.
I am so nervous right now but my lips continue to move. I don't know if this is early but with me going away for college next year,I don't want to leave the one girl that stole my heart here. I want to take something with me and I ask you Alex, if you will give me a piece of you to take with me and in return I promise to give you a piece of me. You made me a better person and here I am standing,well kneeling down Infront  of you asking you to marry me because I can't live without you so ....will you marry me Alex?" He finishes and waits for Alex's reaction.

Alex wipes a few tears that roll down her cheeks.

"Yes yes yes, million times yes and in every language possible, yes... You cheesy idiot!" She squeals with happiness as Blake slides the ring into her finger and they kiss.

I am lost for words now,I'm so happy for my friend. All of us clap and cheer for them as the musicians play a happy tune.

Jake and zack pick Blake up in happiness as Christopher playfully punches him. Me and Nichole give Alex a big hug.

"I didn't see that coming Inds. I am happy. See my ring, I'm engaged!" She says in between tears of joy.

I hug her ever so tightly. My friend is engaged.

"So when's the marriage guys?" Zack questions as he and Jake put Blake down.

"Whenever my baby wants to get married!" Blake tells as he smilingly looks down at Alex.

"Well save the romance for later will you guys?" Christopher says as he gives a playful disgusted look.

It definitely was a special dinner.

"They look so cute together. Never in a million years did I think Blake will get engaged so soon." Jake whispers as we walk back to our table.

"I know right! They are definitely
made for each other." I tell Jake as I take a moment to absorb all this happiness.

It's too much happiness for a night. I am definitely going to sleep well tonight.

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