Chapter 9

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Hey guys! I guess there's some sort of confusion. Jake has brown hair and blue eyes. Blake has blonde hair and bluish - green eyes. They are not brothers for those who are confused. They're are best friends from kindergarten. Enjoy reading 'This is just the beginning.' Please do like and comment.


Today is game night. The game starts in less than 20 minutes. I slip into my white jeans and blue sleeveless top. I tie the knot of my sky blue sneakers. I put my hair into a high pony. I take one look at myself on the mirror and grab my phone, coat and keys and walk out of the house. Rose is watching tv with a big bowl of caramel popcorn. I envy her sometimes. She's free most of the times and she need not work hard like me.

"I'll be back by 8. Bye Rose! " I sing and shut the front door behind me.

It will only take me ten minutes to reach my school. It's not that far. I pull into my school. Unlike other days, the school seems lively and loud. It's probably because of the game. I spot Janis, Nathan  and George at the entrance of the gym. I wave and join them. Alex is a cheerleader so she's probably inside with her girls. We grab a hotdog before taking our seats at the bleachers. We are on time as the players make their way in and the commentators do their work. I spot Jake at once in his green jersey with the number 11. The countdown starts and the game starts and I see guys running behind a ball in less than ten seconds. I have never really understood this game. I just sit and watch the game chewing  on my hot dog. Janis is a nerd but she's a big football lover. Her favorite team is Manchester United. Her bedroom is full of their posters. Nathan and George are screaming,cheering the guys. The scores are on par at the moment. With just two minutes away. Jake is running behind the ball and Blake is waiting for the ball to be passed to him. Jake suddenly slips and falls down with his face hitting the gym floor first. The whole crowd goes quiet. The coach calls for time out. After a few minutes of silence, the crowd starts to cheer so Jake gets up. The doctor comes and and Jake is put on a bed and he's carried out. Some people from the crowd shout in frustration. Blake quickly takes his position and calls another team member to take the spot. The game resumes and Blake is quick and scores. The whole gym rises and screams in joy over Green Lions' victory. The cheerleaders do their victory dance and all the boys hug and head out to see Jake,I assume. It's 7:30pm and Nathan and George have left already to the party being hosted by one of the jocks. Janis also left as her mom called. I'm waiting outside for Alex to come. I see all the jocks exiting the gym and walking to their cars. I wonder how Jake is doing. I slowly enter the gym and the boys locker room. Theres a small room beside the coaches room. I see Blake coming out of it. I smile shyly at him.

"Hey Congo on your win!" I tell him, smiling slightly.

"Thanks India ! If you want to see Jake , he's inside." With that he walks off.

How does he know that I wanted to see Jake. I just wanted to know if he's doing alright. That's my nature. I slowly enter the room. I see him lying against the bed with his arms crossed. He sure looks upset. I adjust my voice so he notices me. He looks up and his beautiful eyes gleam even in that dim light. I awkwardly stand there, not knowing whether to move forward or just leave like that.

"India, come in." He says softly.

"How are you Jake?" I say as I sit down on the chair beside his bed.

He sits upright, facing me. His hair is messed like always. But that's just all the more hot.

"I'm fine. Just a small sprain and bruises here and there. Maybe even a hair line crack." He says rubbing his right arm.

"Are you upset because you couldn't finish the game?" I ask him looking straight into his eyes. He may say' I'm fine' but I know he's not.

"Well I'm upset but I'm angry also. The guy who pushed me down, this is not the first time he's doing this." He says with anger filling his eyes.

I stay quiet as I don't know what to say.

"Thanks for coming to see me." He says breaking the silence.

I smile at him and get up from my chair.

"It's no big deal Jake." Just as I'm about to finish my sentence. Haley, the biggest bitch/slut in green lead barges in. She literally pushes me and walks over to Jake and throws herself on him. I wanted to kick her ass, instead I left the room and walked back to my car.
I met Alex waiting near my car.

"Where were you?" She says worriedly.

"Nothing big Alex. Shall we get you home now?"

I turn on the radio and Taylor swift's song starts to play. Alex is a swiftie. Her ringtone, her alarm, her iTunes is full of Taylor swift and no other artist.

Say you'll remember me,
standing in a nice dress,
Staring at the sunset,
Red lips and rosy cheeks,
Say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams...

I drop Alex in her house around 8pm and I pull into my house around 8:20pm. I'm like twenty minutes late to what I promised my sister earlier but it's not past curfew. I groan and walk up to my room and just jump into my bed. I'm just angry at the way Haley behaved earlier. She's the most annoying senior I've ever known. She's never liked me. I don't know for what reason. She has this wildest dream that I steal all her guys. She dates guys across California. She has the talent to get any guy in bed with her. I have no idea why she thinks of me as competitor. For starters,I don't date. Secondly, I just don't do her kind of sexy to get guys. That's just gross according to me. I mumble to myself a lol when I'm angry with someone or something. My phone vibrates and I open it and see a text from an unknown number.

Sorry about earlier. Forgive me, please! :(

I have no idea who this mystery person is.

Who is this?

It's Jake. I'm really sorry about Haley. She's just rude and abrupt sometimes.

I am shocked as to how he got my number. But then my phone vibrates again.

If you're wondering how I got your number. Blake got it from Alex. :)

I smile at his text before I start typing.

That's okay! How's your sprain now?

It's better,thanks :)

I guess he uses emojis more than Janis does. Janis's texts are full of emojis. She expresses a lot more than typing. But I thinks it's because of her laziness.

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